How to block the drag and drop in TRichEdit? delphi code
I work with Rich edit and having difficulties on blocking the drag and drop feature specially dragging text from outside the form let say comming from IE to my RichEdit.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 to experiment with MFC.
I have created a template MFC project by following the wizard. I chose a dialog based app, and unchecked other options like ActiveX controls.
After making no code changes, I hit F5, and the app runs.
Then, using the form designer, I drag a rich edit control from the toolbox onto th...
Does anyone know how to get the width and height of text in a TRichEdit control, in the same way that you would use TextWidth and TextHeight on a TCanvas?
The reason I need to know this doing this is I have a RichEdit on a non-visible form that I copy the contents of to a canvas using Richedit.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, ...). The problem...
This documentation describes RichEdit and ITextDocument, which are part of MFC. RichEdit uses TOM, or text object model. The documentation makes repeated reference to "stories":
The GetStoryCount
property-get method retrieves the
count of stories in this document.
The GetStoryRanges
property-get method retrieves the
I'm using ITextRange from a RichEdit control. I want to determine if a user's cursor is touching a word.
The problem is that calling iTextRange.expand(tomWord) will include tailing spaces:
Brackets indicate the range:
weas[]el .
[weasel ].
My original plan was to expand the range, and check if it c...
help i wnted the richedit cannot be highlighted/ disable the hightlight or selection of text? also remove the cursor pos. the application is intended for display only the rtf text and not editing so i dont need those features. in delphi
I am using the current code to highlight URLs on a TRichEdit:
procedure TForm1.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
p: TENLink;
strURL: string;
if (Message.Msg = WM_NOTIFY) then
if (PNMHDR(Message.lParam).code = EN_LINK) then
p := TENLink(Pointer(TWMNotify(Message).NMHdr)^);
if (p.Msg = WM_LB...
Is there a way to get the RTF data from a richedit without using savetostream as in
strStream := TStringStream.Create('') ;
Text := strStream.DataString;
I am writing an editor in Delphi (2009) using a TRichEdit component. The editor is append-only, in the sense that the caret must be at the end at all times, while maintaining the ability to copy using the mouse from elsewhere in the component.
The way it is working at the moment is by moving the caret to the end whenever something is wr...
Dear StackOverflow,
I have a RichEdit control that uses an implementation of the IRichEditOleCallback interface, so that it can host images and embedded objects.
Part of this interface is the GetContextMenu method. If this method remains unimplemented, the context menu (obviously) will not show up. Returning E_NOTIMPL does not do the ...