
linkedlist which links to itself?

Hi All, Is there a name for a linked list type structure where the head and tail nodes link to each other? In such a list you can obviously iterate through it forever as it double backs on itself. Was just wondering. ...

Can only read one element at once of a circular buffer

I have implemented the standard single consumer, single producer queue as a circular buffer in C consisting of an array and two indexes: one for read, one for write. My circular buffer is of the type that returns an error if you attempt to insert an item into a full queue and uses one empty slot to distinguish between an empty ring buff...

Are dll injection,ring0,ring3... all windows specific conceptions?

Do they exist on linux platforms? ...

Good current documentation and/or tutorials for compojure/ring development?

As far as I can tell 90% of information that can be found through a google search on compojure/ring is outdated for 0.4.0. Can anyone point me toward some good current documentation? Thanks! ...

Has anyone used Incanter in a web app to serve statistical graphs?

I'd like to serve up statistical graphs based on Incanter with a framework like Ring or Compojure in a Clojure environment. I haven't seen any examples or links that do this. Could someone steer me toward working examples? Would Enlive help out here as well? Thanks ...

How to catch the exception thrown from an advice

I have my own exeception "MyOwnExeception" and throw this exeception from my service class public void service() throws MyOwnExeception { // some code } Now I want to catch MyOwnExeception in an advice and rethrow a brand-new Exeception public class SimpleThrowsAdvice implements ThrowsAdvice { public void afterThrowing(Method ...

How do you use sessions with Compojure/Ring?

I'm developing a web application using Compojure and I would hugely appreciate a small and complete example of storing and retrieving session data. Many thanks in advance, James. ...