
How to override component name for svn uri in buckminster RMAP file

I am trying to materialize an RCP application into a workspace from scratch and I am having trouble with one single component whose project name in SVN is not same as it's plug-in id (e.g. it's Bundle-SymbolicName). At this point in time I really can not fix this issue by either renaming the project or bundle id, so I am looking for a w...

Buckminster Resolve / RMAP - Strange URI Error?

Hello! I am trying to set up a headless build using buckminster. Before i do it headless i wanted to make sure that my rmap and the query are correct, so i tried the map in the IDE. My RMAP should be correct, however, i get a strange error when i try to resolve my rmap, telling me the uri is wrong. But the Uri it names (DMM runtime) is...