
Custom ROLAP Data Source in SSAS

I am trying to build an OLAP datasource from a bunch of binary files, and our current model just isn't working. We are using SSAS as our analysis / reporting model for our results, but aren't able to get the performance we want out of SQL. Our main constraints are: The database is very large. We have huge dimension tables with mil...

ROLAP not working - how to design the cube/DSV for ROLAP?

I'm trying to configure storage mode ROLAP for a partition in an existing SSAS cube. The cube is a little messy in that the measure group is defined by a named query (as opposed to a table) and the dimensions are defined in several different data source views (DSV). This is the error message I get when querying the cube with mdx: Execu...

MDX - Sum at lowest time, then Max it out...

I have; a Time dimension (Year, Month, Day, Hour), a Product dimension (Product, Feature) and a User dimension (User) The measure I have available is: Used (Number of features that are in use) What I want to do, is to display the Max of concurrent usage. (This would be the Max of the Sum of Used for each Feature used by the same Use...

Cube design - ROLAP considerations vs. MOLAP

Does anyone have resources that give a list of things to consider when designing a ROLAP cube, as opposed to MOLAP (I'm doing it in Pentaho, but I guess the principles are not dis-similar for other implementations). For example, I'm thinking of things like: should extra transformational work be done at the ETL stage to reduce computati...

In-Database Memoization - a good idea? Any experiences?

Hi All, I have an idea I have yet to implement, because I have some fear I may be barking up the wrong tree... mainly because Googling on the topic returns so few results. Basically I have some SQL queries that are slow, in large part because they have subqueries that are time-consuming. For example, they might do things like "give me...