
Java RSS library

Hi, I'm looking for a Java library for generating RSS feeds, any recommendations? Cheers, Don ...

Using the Rome Java API to access metadata fields

I've been using the Rome API to parse data from an XML feed pretty successfully so for, but have run in to a bit of a snag. Given the following snippet of XML: <entry> <id>uniqueId</id> <updated>2008-11-05T01:32:35Z</updated> <mm:status xmlns:mm=";quot; available="true"/> <title>Title</title> ...

how to Identify a link as an RSS Feeds link using ROME ?

I am using ROME library for parsing feeds. I want to know how can I identify a link as an XML link or a normal link. Is there a support for this in ROME. ...

Setting a Source per Item using Rome

I am using Rome to combine several feeds into one. It's largely based on this example on the Rome site. I'm creating a RSS 2.0 feed, which I save as a (W3C) Document then pass to a stylesheet to convert to HTML. One of my requirements is to display the source (link to and name of originating site) for each entry (as they can come from ...

Using ROME to search RSS feeds

I'm using ROME to read and combine RSS feeds (caching is done with EhCache) in a Java environment. Is there functionality built in to the Rome API that allows you to search the contents of a feed (or a combination of different feeds) and then combine the ones that meet a specific search criteria? I'm thinking of implementing that mysel...

Rome FeedFetcher Cache

I am trying to use Rome FeedFetcher to retrieve an RSS feed only if it has been updated. However, once the cache is created, it never seems to check the feed again. So if an item is added to the feed it isn't pulled down. I turned on some logging and looked at: feedFetcherCache.getFeedInfo(url).getLastModified() for the url in ques...

The Three ROME Object Models Design Pattern

I have been reading about the three ROME object models which goes like this SyndFeed(Model) <-- conversion --> RSS(Wire Feed Model) SyndFeed(Model) <-- conversion --> Atom(Wire Feed Model) I came to the conclusion that this model wouldn't actually meet my application needs but I still like this pattern however I can't figure out whic...

ROME Propono vs ROME

I want to build a custom feed API on top of ROME to handle blogs feed, should I just go with ROME or should I use Propono and why exactly??? Thanks in forward ...

RSS items order, does it matter?

Hi, I created RSS feed with Java Rome lib. The project is near the end. But I found some strange behavior of RSS clients. I think it's more RSS clients problem, but i wont to make sure. Rome holds items in List, so latest items are in the end of the list. I opened my feed I rss clients (Firefox and RSS Bandit) and I found there are in ...

usage of rome media rss plugin

can anyone explain how to use the rome media-rss plugin found here? I tried the sample usage and everything else i could find in google (which isn't much) but could not get it to work. Specifically, getModule(MediaModule.URI) which is supposed to return a MediaModule returns null on a media-rss feed. getModules() (note the plural) on th...

How do I create an Atom representation with Restlet?

I want to create atom xml representations for my REST resources using Restlet. Should I (can I?) use ROME or just use the Atom extension for Restlet? What's the best way to go about this? Thanks in advance. ...

Rome RSS - Disable Validation in Rome RSS

In my application ROME api tries to validate the feed against and DTD in W3C and after some time it fails since W3C blocks that IP. Is there a way that I can disable XML feed validation in ROME? RSS XML validation is not neccessary since we get the feed from a well reputed company ...

Distinguish between HTML/XHTML and plain text in a RSS description-element

Hi, Long version: Those familiar to the standardization nightmare of the RSS-family, may know that RSS does not provide you with information if for example the "description" element contains just plain text or html or xhtml. I currently use the ROME-API to convert from various RSS versions to Atom 1.0. The Rome-API will happily parse...

How to read rssFeed xml using rome in gwt

Using rome I created the rssFeed xml and now I want to read that xml so that user can view and user can view rss feed in google etc. ...

creating Atom feeds with ROME and publishing them

Hello All, I am a newbie to this pub/sub protocol. Sorry if my questions are very naive. Could you help me by answering my questions. I started off creating an atom feed using ROME API looking at the example given on its wiki. SyndFeed feed = new SyndFeedImpl(); feed.setFeedType("atom_1.0"); feed.setTitle("Sample Feed (created with RO... for valid URL

Hello. I use library to fetch RSS. Code is URL feedUrl = new URL(""); SyndFeedInput input = new SyndFeedInput(); SyndFeed feed = XmlReader(feedUrl)); You can check that is valid URL and the page is shown in browser. But I get e...

Looping trough feed entries with rome

I'm trying to loop trough Atom feed entries, and get the title attribute lets say, I found this article, I tried this snipped of code : for (final Iterator iter = feeds.getEntries.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { element = (Element); key = element.getAttributeValue("href"); if ((key != null) && (key.l...

Setting encoding in Grails controller's render method

Hello, I'm trying to build an RSS feed using Grails and Rome. In my controller's rss action, my last command is : render(text: getFeed("rss_2.0"), contentType:"application/rss+xml", encoding:"ISO-8859-1 ") However, when I navigate to my feed's URL, the header is : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss xmlns:dc="http://pu...

Rome Library to read feeds Java

Hey people, i need to read the jpg url of this feed...: <author>[email protected] (Comunicación Club América)</author> <description><![CDATA[Conoce la historia de este guardameta americanista]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 03 Jun 2010 01:06:23 CDT</pubDate> <media:content url='

Parsing large RSS feeds using Rome, running out of memory.

More specifically large XML webpages (RSS Feeds). I am using the excellent Rome library to parse them, but the page I am currently trying to get is really large and Java runs out of memory before getting the whole document. How can I split up the webpage so that I can pass it to XMLReader? Should I just do it myself and pass the feeds i...