
in response for which method rotate an image in iphone with a finger?

Hi all! in response for which method rotate an image in iphone with a finger? I have such code, but I dont know in response to which method can I call it. thanx! UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"]; UIImageView *imageView = [ [ UIImageView alloc ] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, image.size.width, image.size.height) ];...

Find delta angle to use for rotation given entity with position, initial rotation and target point to 'face toward'

Hi, I'm coding a flocking algorithm in Java but I'm stuck at a certain point (using the Ardor3D libraries, in a 2D plane). Basically, I need to find the angle difference to add to the current rotation. If you can only get the way it should be pointing with polar coordinates with 0 degs at north and not the difference, not to worry -- I ...