
Rounded corners on a fieldset

Hi, I noticed that the "fieldset" tag renders a rounded corner border on IE (it renders squared on the other browsers). <fieldset> <legend>My legend</legend> </fieldset> BUT if i set a CSS style on the fieldset, the rounded corners disappear!! Anybody know why? How to keep the rounded corners but with another border color?...

How to create a JButton extension with rounded corners?

This is a continuation of the question "Java rounded Swing JButton". I have searched for an extension of javax.swing.JButton which will inherit all runtime behavior and just override drawing of the corners. Using the code given by noah.w on sun forums page the result looks like this: I'd like to be able to have the same gradient in t...

How is a rounded rect view with transparency done on iphone?

A lot of apps pop up a transparent view with rounded corners and an activityIndicator when running a time consuming operation. How is this rounding done and is it possible to do it just using Interface Builder (as there are lots of places I'd like to use something like this)? Or, should I use an imageview with a rounded rect or stretcha...

Rounded Corners

Hello, I am wondering whats the best way to programmatically make rounded corners for images. This can be either using PHP or javascript. An algorithm will also do for the same and I can code it with Image::Magick or GD. Thank you for your time. ...

Rounded corners in buttons in IE

I need to have rounded corners in buttons (input type submit), but I haven't found any JavaScript library that would do that. Currently I use to round other elements, but I doesn't round input buttons or li-elements. I prefer jQuery plugins, because I use jQuery to all other plugins and ...

Tweening a Rounded Rectangle in Actionscript 3

I would like to tween between a short rounded rectangle and a tall rounded rectangle. (I only want deal with the height - no other parameters). I am programming with actionscript 3. My tweening engine is TweenLite. I have been tweening a sprite that contains a rounded rectangle. The tweened sprite produces distortion. I suppose tha...

CSS: How to add rounded corner with border and no images?

Hi Guys, Do you guys know something like this that can work with IE? No images and with borders? Thanks a lot. Cheers, Mark ...

Round the edges of photos using jQuery

Possible Duplicate: multiple I would like to round the corners of photos ( tag not background images) Can jQuery accomplish this? Thanks ...

AS3 Rounded Text Field

Does anyone know how to create a dynamic textfield with a visible border and rounded corners in AS3? I think I might have to create a rounded movieclip, resize and place it behind the text. I tried this, but I don't see any changes. var styleRound:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); styleRound.parseCSS("h4{cornerRadius:10;borderStyle: soli...

Javascript: How to create a rounded corner tab menu?

Hi Guys, Do you know any rounded corners tab like this one that I can download? Or how can I create a tab like that? Do the use of images in the tab menus are required or not? I used the: -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px; border-top-left-radius:5px; border-top-right-radius:5px; but it is not perfect....

How to fire events programatically in jQuery?

Hi All, I have a page which loads divs of rounded corners. And on each div (including all the inner divs, spans inside this div) I call many events related to them. Now the problem I'm facing is load time. Do we have any approach to load the script for rounded corners first in "ready" function and rest of the events dynamically when I m...

CSS Multi line rounded Header

I am trying to create a rounded header that could possible be multiple lines. My problem is that the left and right images start to repeat themselves if the text needs to go on another line. Edit If you need the images: CSS .Label { color:White; } .Left { background:url('images/tab_left.p...

How to use nify javascript to make round corner box? Im using but not working

How to make round corners with Nifty technique. I included niftycube.js and then called the function Nifty("div.firstblock");. But its not working. Whether i have to include any other JavaScript or CSS??. Help ...

What are the .js files to include while using Jquery's Round corner plugin?

I want to know the list of files to included while using jquery's round corners plugin. And how to use the functions in that Javascript. I need a round corner in my website with pure css and Javascript without images ...

How to get round corner textbox using jquery without images

I try to get round corners for textbox. But how can i get it. Here is the class .tbox { float:left; width:200px; margin-top:10px; margin-left:10px; } when i call using jquery using $('.tbox').corners("4px"); it is not working. I already included Jquery.js and jquery.corners.js. But its not working. Any help would be appreciate...

How to round a single corner of an image used in a Grouped-style UITableView on iPhone

I have a custom UITableViewCell with a UIImageView that is overlapping the round corners on the first and last cell. Given that I am able to determine which cell is the first/last, is there an easy method for rounding a single corner (either top-left or bottom-left) of a UIImage so that it will look good? ...

changing color of rounded corners button with CSS

thanks a bunch in advance! i was able to make a rounded corner button using CSS. i like to be able to mouseover the button, and the entire thing changes its color, not just the inner most div. plz help! my assumption is that iam supposed to have some kinda javascript with onmouseover="", correct? here's the page: http://biozenconsulti...

Django: Problem with {% cycle %}

Hi This is taken directly from my Django template: {% for day in days %} <!-- {% cycle 'day' 'day' 'day last' as cls %} --> {% rounded "black" cls %} {# Custom tag giving me rounded borders. #} ... {% endrounded %} {% endfor %} I have commented out the {% cycle %} because I only use it to set "cls" to "day last" every third i...

Styling jQuery ThickBox (round corners)

Hello, I'm using jQuery ThickBox plugin ( I have been concentrating on functionality so far and I have got it working exactly the way I want. What I want to do now is to style the box so it has round corners. To make it more difficult, I would like the round corners to be transparent, so the background...

Inline stretchy button with CSS background image

Anyone know if there's a bullet-proof (standards-compliant to XHTML1.1 strict, cross-browser, non-javascript) way to use CSS and background images to turn an inline link into a visual button that will stretch to accommodate different amounts of text (or text resizing)? I'm thinking I need to use background images as the designer's butt...