
Asp.Net MVC Beta: Previous RouteData overrides current RouteData?

I have something similar to the following method: public ActionResult Details(int id) { var viewData = new DetailsViewData { Booth = BoothRepository.Find(id), Category = ItemType.HotBuy }; return View(viewData); } and the following Route: routes.MapRoute("shows","sh...

How do you access the current RouteData from View in .net MVC?

If I want to directly access the RouteData (the current action or parameter values for example) from the View, rather than having to pass it in from the controller as part of the ViewData, what class would i use? ...

ASP.NET MVC Passing Lists to RouteData QueryString

The recommended approach for passing lists of values as a QueryString is ASP.NET handles this well: string value = QueryString.Get("value"); // returns "1,2,3,4" But I can't figure out a way of passing these values by into RouteData. The obvious approach would be to add int[] v...

ASP.NET MVC POST Parameter into RouteData

I'm using jQuery to POST an Id to my route, for example: http://localhost:1234/Load/Delete with a POST Parameter Id = 1 I'm only using the default route in Global.asax.cs right now: routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } ); When I perform the POST, ...

Missing RouteData DataTokens

I'm handling errors in ASP.NET MVC by sending an error id from Application.OnError to a controller action, by adding a route data value that gives the error id: Global.asax.cs/OnError: var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.DataTokens.Add("errorKey", errorId); var context = new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(Context), route...

where is routing routedata stored? memory, disk, other?

Hi, I have several .NET MVC sites running in production and as the sites grow I have ever more and more routedata to store. I had expected that the routedata was somehow stored in memory but I have noticed that sites that I know have a lot of routes stored aren't taking up more memory. So, where is the mysterious routedata stored? I as...