
How do I databind a ColumnDefinition's Width or RowDefinition's Height?

Under the View-Model-ViewModel pattern for WPF, I am trying to databind the Heights and Widths of various definitions for grid controls, so I can store the values the user sets them to after using a GridSplitter. However, the normal pattern doesn't seem to work for these particular properties. Note: I'm posting this as a reference quest...

Discovering row height of autosized GridView row in ASP.NET

Hi, I have a number of GridView controls that I need to position side-by-side on a page. For example a GridView containing a list of items in a shopping basket, and a number of GridViews to the side showing pricing from a number of suppliers. The columns are fixed width in the first GridView - meaning that the row height is variable d...

How to set the Dojox Datagrid row height to a single line

Hey all, I'm trying to fix the height of a Dojox 1.3 Datagrid to a single line (like Excel). The current functionality is to automatically increase the row's height when more data than will fit into a single line is available. Is there an easy way to accomplish this? It seems like it should be built in functionality for a datagrid, c...

How to set WPF ListView row height?

I've got a listView displaying a few text records. I need to increase the height of rows (working on a touch screen so I need thicker rows) without increasing the font size. This is probably pretty trivial but I have no clue and can't find much on google. Any help appreciated. ...

how to set all row heights of the wpf datagrid when one row height is adjusted

Im using the wpf datagrid and am looking for a way to set the height on all of the rows when the user adjusts one of them. I know the datagrid has a RowHeight property that sets all of the row heights at once, but the how of catching an individual row height changed escapes me ...

How to increase the height of the cell in a tableview in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I am parsing a xml file and displaying the title, date, view and summary in each row of a table.The contents of summar is big ,so only first 3 words are displayed in the cell.How can i increase the height of the row with respect to the length of the contents.All the content should fit properly inside the ...

GridView row height

I have a GridView that displays images, which are, unfortunately, of different sizes. They are shown in between two lines of text: text1.1 text1.2 ImageView(IMAGE1) ImageView(IMAGE2) text2.1 text2.2 text3.1 ImageView(IMAGE3) text4.1 etc.... If IMAGE1 is the same height as IMAGE2, everything is fine...

UITableView with dynamic cell heights

Hello, just a quick question. Is there a SIMPLE way to dynamic set the cell height depending on the text that is contained in the cells? Scenario: grouped table view with two sections. sections one and two contain text from a database (with different lengths of text). I have looked into some tutorials and code snippets but nothing seems...

Dynamic Table height. Redundant calculation of row height?

In a table view I use custom UITableViewCells with dynamic height. The layout algorithm is complicated since there are not only dynamic text blocks but also images with different height. When the appropriate heightForRowAtIndexPath is called the teble view cell has not been rendered do far. Do i have to calculate the height twice? Once f...

How to implement jtable with variable row-height

None of the answers to two previous questions (here and here) resolve my problem. I have a multi-column jtable for which I want to display string-content of some columns over more than one line within the cell based on newline char's ("\n") within the string. The number of newlines per string is random, known only at run-time. Only the ...

UITableViewCell with dynamic content, dynamic layout and thus a dynamic height

Hey guys, I have a UITableView which sometimes just stops responding when its been loaded. I have no clue why this happens and I was wondering whether it could be the layouting of the cells which I do in cellForRowAtIndexPath, because my content is dynamic and therefore the layout of the subviews has to be adopted each time. Is there...