
How to position Silverlight RowDetailsTemplate above its corresponding row?

When you create a RowDetailsTemplate in a Silverlight grid you can specify a template for row details that is shown directly below the row when it is selected. The details I have for one of my datagrids would look a lot better immediately before each individual row, rather than after it. I've tried modifying the template in Blend, but ...

Bug in WPF DataGrid after upgrading to .NET 4.0

Situation is as follows: A DataGrid has a RowDetailsTemplate, which contains another DataGrid (the subgrid). If you add a DataGridTemplateColumn which contains an EventHandler, a NullReferenceException is thrown by PresentationFramework.dll. This issue is only present in .NET 4.0. If the project targets .NET 3.5 (and uses WPFToolkit f...