I have been using the ROWLEX library to handle RDF-s. It is shipped with a designtime GUI tool called OwlGrinder.exe that can generate C# helper classes (.NET assemblies to be exact) from my OWL ontologies. I wonder if anyone knows if I could do the same programatically in runtime.
According to its homepage, the SemWeb library (great library for handling RDF under .NET) is released under GPL. Since the ROWLEX tool is built on SemWeb, ROWLEX supposed to be GPL, too. Still, ROWLEX is claimed to be released under L-GPL.
Is this legally correct?
I am building an assembly from my OWL ontology, but when parsing ontology, it raises an error message at "datatype properties" where a type is declared and some values are given. I've written my ontology using Protege v3.4.
For example, one of the datatype properties that raises error is "Language" with the type "string" and values like...
I'm working on a semantic web application in which assembly of an ontology is beeing used. I used Rowlex OWLGrinder for converting OWL to assembly.
In the ontology there are some classes having individuals, which are converted tp Enum classes containing some constants in .dll assemblies. For example an OWL class named Language with an i...
I've encourted a problem recently about cycling between constants of an enum class in .net (that is created from my OWL class, by Rowlex OwlGrinder). Problem was solved by means of using .net reflection (thanks to great help from dear Mr. Jon Skeet):
By solving this, I started using it. Af...
I'm recently working on a semantic web application project using Rowlex. I've reached some functionality needs which I couldn't match the appropriate methods to them. I was wondering if somebody would help me.
I'm creating a new RDF document, but at the end I don't know how to save the populated rdfdocument.
I'm creating a new individu...
As people asked in How can ROWLEX be licensed under L-GPL while it uses SemWeb which is GPL? there is no definition if ROWLEX could be used as a library freely in commercial projects. How free is to use it in such projects? Is it possible to contribute to this project and simultaneously use it freely in commercial sector?
I am using rowlex in my project. I have a property assigned to an individual in my RDF file, which has a value. For example for individual 'Student', there is a property 'isMemberOf', with value of a class uri 'class00021'.
Then I want to add a second value to this property. For instance a 'Project' value with uri 'proj000052'.
I have a RDF file in my semantic web project and I use Rowlex for manipulating it.
I've needed to remove an individual from RDF, so I used
<RDFDoc instance>.RemoveIndividual(new OwlThing(<individual URI>, <RDFDoc instance>));
With this code, I had my individual gone, but it's properties still remained. So I figured out that I ...
Regarding to my previous post,
now when I'm testing, progFields in below:
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] progFields = typeof(Program).GetFields();
returns nothing. My ontology about Program is like this:
<owl:Class rdf:about="http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1243411901.owl#Program">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http...
I'm trying to remove properties with multi values, from RDF and it seems about this RDF, I should make below code for removing includeResource:
<Ontologyowl:StudyList rdf:about="stdl827181">
<Ontologyowl:title rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">Basic learning materials</Ontologyowl:title>
I have defined:
public class SomeItem
// Unique identificator of the resource
public string ID { get; set; }
[RdfProperty( true )]
public string SomeData { get; set; }
and in some other class:
public SomeItem[] MyTestProp
return new SomeItem[]...
Is ROWLEX supports IEnumerable? Because when I use RdfProperty(true) with string[] it is working correctly, but when I write IEnumerable< string > type of property and return string[] (that is casting implicitly to IEnumerable) and it is not working.
It is good if generic enumerables are supported, not only Array class.
In ROWLEX is it possible to remove "rdf:datatype" attribute of each property and/or use common RDF Schema instead?
<MyOntology:title rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">My news</MyOntology:title>
<MyOntology:description rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">M...
I have this code:
[RdfSerializable( HasResourceUri=false )]
public class Item
public string MyProp;
public class AllItems
[RdfProperty(true)] public string mTitle;
private int id = new Random().Next(0, 20);
public string...
I have simple bussiness class in c# and want to create a RDF document. Most of the datatype that i specify I can get OntologyExtractor to create owl schema. How would I handle DataTime? (nullable) and System.Guid datatypes
[RdfSerializable(Ontology = "http://ceoc/", HasResourceUri = true)]
public abstract class IIncident
I have some owl classes which have instances. These classes also have properties which have value for each instance. I've made my ontology by Protege3.4, and made c# library by Rowlex from them.
For example the class 'Program', has an instance of 'Software' and 'atGrade' property. Property value for this instance is 'PHD' (atGrade...
I have some custom type:
public class Item
public string Name { get; set; }
and some other type that has array of Item:
public class Container
// ... some code
// if this attribute is missing, then this property will not be exported as array
If I have those two classes that have two different properties but with the same name:
public class Type1
[RdfProperty(true), Name = "title"]
public string Title { get; set; }
public class Type2
[RdfProperty(true), Name = "title"]
public string Title { get; set; }
and try to...
I've encountered a problem in Rowlex recently. It is related to datetime retrieving.
In my RDF file, I have two instances like this:
<Ontologyowl:Note rdf:about="http://www.faraway_learning.edu/ehsanm/not106179">
<Ontologyowl:title rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">Test1</Ontologyowl:title>