
How to RowTest with MSTest ?

I know that MSTest doens't support RowTest and similar tests. What MSTests users do? How is it possible to live without RowTest support? I've seen DataDriven test features but sounds like too much overhead, is there any 3rd patch or tool which allow me to do RowTest similar tests in MSTest ? ...

Does Resharper support RowTest?

Resharper doesn't recognise Rowtests, is this normal? Is there anyway to fix it? (other than splitting rowtest manually) ...

How Can I Debug a Specific Rowtest?

How can I debug a specific rowtest? I'm using Visual Studio and nUnit. TDD.NET addon is great but it doesn't let me to debug a specific rowtest, before coming to my test I have to go through all previous tests. I know there are some commercial solutions for this. I'm looking for a free (or really cheap) solution. <RowTest()> _ ...

Does MSTest Have an Equivalent to NUnits TestCase

I find the TestCase feature in NUnit quite useful as a quick way to specify test parameters without needing a seperate method for each test. Is there anything similar in MSTest? [TestFixture] public class StringFormatUtilsTest { [TestCase("tttt", "")] [TestCase("", "")] [TestCase("t3a4b5", "345")] [Tes...

RowTest in Visual Studio tests?

Is there something similar to mbUnit's RowTest in Visual studio tests. I wanted to have the ability to perform the same test using different input data and expected results. Wanted to avoid using testing frameworks since I'm need very little and simple tests at the moment. ...

Method parameters have incorrect values when using RowTest in VB.Net

Hello, I have the following test method (VB.NET) <RowTest()> _ <Row(1, 2, 3)> _ Public Sub AddMultipleNumbers(ByVal number1 As Integer, ByVal number2 As Integer, ByVal result As Integer) Dim dvbc As VbClass = New VbClass() Dim actual As Integer = dvbc.Add(number1, number2) Assert.That(actual, [Is].SameAs(result)) End Sub...

Data Driven Testing with cppunit

I'd like to make some data-driven tests using cppunit. I thought I saw a while ago that a version of RowTest was ported to cppunit, but now I can't seem to find it anywhere. What are some ways to do data-driven tests using cppunit? ...