
R documentation with Roxygen?

I find R documentation to be important but also time-consuming to create/maintain. Has anyone used Roxygen yet, and if so, does it help in maintaining an R package? I've used Doxygen in the past, but those projects didn't have the man structure that R packages require. You can find the vignette here. ...

How can I document data sets with roxygen?

Is it possible to include .R files in the data directory of my package in the roxygen process? I have put several .R files in the data directory. When they are sourced with data(), they read in raw data files and perform some transformations. ...

Can Roxygen ignore non-user functions?

Hey all, I've just started playing around with the roxygen package and I've very happy with the results so far. However I was wondering, is there a way to specify to roxygen that it should ignore certain functions that are not user-accessible? Specifically, I'd rather not have a .Rd file pop up because I'm using the .onLoad() hook in ...

What are good example R packages written using RUnit or roxygen?

I'm writing an R package that's going to be used by others, so I'm trying to get this one right! I want to use roxygen for documentation and RUnit for unit testing, but I haven't used them before. What packages exist (either on CRAN or elsewhere) that use either of these tools well? ...

How to escape % in roxygen literate programming?

The default value of a parameter of my function contains a "%". This seems to be a problem for roxygen, it produces a lot of warnings and R CMD check fails when trying to build latex documentation. How can I make this function (and its documentation) work? Using %% or \% instead of % does not help. #' Test escape \% from in-source docu...