
Is it possible to ignore irrelevant methods when profiling ruby applications?

While using ruby-prof, printed out in graph-html mode, the report for one method says (with some snipping) %Total %Self Total Self Wait Child Calls Name Line 52.85% 0.00% 51.22 0.00 0.00 51.22 1 ClassName#method_name 42 51.22 0.00 0.0...

Profile memory-performance for part of an rails project

I want to test the profile usage of an important library-class of my rails-project. It uses ActiveRecord so I need all rails dependencies to profile it. As far as I know, I need a patched ruby (rubygc) so script/profile and script/benchmark can track memory usage. I tried to follow this official guide to patch the source code of ruby 1....

Low-overhead Ruby profiling?

I have a Ruby program that takes about 4 minutes to complete task and I'd like to get it down to under 1 minute. I tried ruby-prof from gem but enabling it increases running times to ~30 minutes, and doesn't even seem to preserve monotonicity particularly well (some changes reliably improve performance-with-profiler and as reliably dete...

rails performance test is failing

Simple performance test, I have installed ruby-prof and no other gems are missing, rake test:profile returns the following error. the test is simply. require 'test_helper' require 'performance_test_help' # Profiling results for each test method are written to tmp/performance. class BrowsingTest < ActionController::PerformanceTest ...