
Ruby scripting - Telnet Hangs During Login

I am trying to do some basic scripting using ruby to log in to a windows machine via telnet and pull some files over using the dos command line ftp. When I do this manually everything goes swimmingly but when I try it via ruby I'm getting an error in the login call. Here is my test program in its entirety: require 'net/telnet' tn = Ne...

Does link_to have :before and/or :after like link_to_remote

I am converting some of my link_to_remote generators with link_to as the AJAX calls were creating issues with my browser back button. (Silly noob mistakes!) My application has many pages that have a long wait cycle (for various reasons out of my control). I have been relying on the link_to_remote's ability to use :before and :after call...

ActiveRecord Subclass with manual DB connection can't directly access column variables.

Hi All, I'm having a slight issue with one of my Rails models. It's nothing I can't work around (as I've already done so), but I'm interested in the actual issue. Basically, I have an ActiveRecord-based class named "Events" that I've connected to a remote database using "establish_connection". It all works fine and I can even perform...

What's the Ruby equivalent for Java's StringReader?

In Java, one can create an IO stream from a String like so: Reader r = new StringReader("my text"); I'd like to be able to do the same in Ruby so I can take a string and treat it as an IO stream. ...

Returning from rails controller

Hi all, here's a beginner rails question... After I do: format.xml { head: ok} How do I return from the controller endpoint without showing the view? If I drop off the end of the function at this point, I get what I expect, but if I call 'return', I end up in the view (or in my case in a missing view template). I can code up lots...

Output JSON array without the class name in every array element.

The default way to output JSON in rails is some thing like: Code: render :json => friends.to_json(:only => [:username, :avatar_file_name, :id ]) Output {"friends" : [{"user": {"avatar_file_name": "image1.jpg", "username": "user1", "id": 1}}, {"user": {"avatar_file_name": "image2.jpg", "username": "user2", "id": 2}}, ...

Ruby TMail size-limit on body?

I have a small application that process emails as downloaded from a imap-server with fetchmail. The processing consists of finding base64-encoded attachments with a XML-file inside. Here is the code (somewhat stripped): def extract_data_from_mailfile(mailfile) begin mail = TMail::Mail.load(mailfile) rescue return nil...

Open eml file in any mail client and take screenshot

I perform a lot of tests that create e-mail messages. I store each message in separate eml file. (I can change file extension if needed.) I would like to open each file in any mail client and take a screen shot, so I could visually inspect e-mails later. The idea is that I could use a image viewing application to look at several screen...

Statistics and matrix algebra in Ruby

I need to inverse a variance-covariance matrix in Ruby and vector by matrix multiplication. Which numerical Ruby library/Gem should I use? ...

(U) Ruby Extensions: rb_gc_mark() and instance variables

I'm writing a ruby extension that defines a class. If I use Data_Wrap_Struct() to implement my callback for rb_define_alloc_func(), do I need to manually mark and free the instance variables? Or is that still handled for me? ...

uninitialized constant Twitter::OAuth - Overlooking a require somewhere?

I'm looking to use the latest Twitter gem for a Rails app I'm working on. However, executing the following line: oauth =['api_key'], ServiceAPIKeys.twitter['secret_key']) Triggers the following exception: uninitialized constant Twitter::OAuth I do have the gem configured in my environment....

How do I properly encapsulate methods in sub-modules in Ruby? My methods won't appear anywhere!

I've written a very basic finance module in Ruby to ease my own calculations, as sometimes it's just a lot easier to enter irb and start calling functions. But the odd thing is, that in my module I have a submodule with a method called future_value (Finance::CompoundInterest.future_value) ... but according to irb it doesn't exist? It's...

Getting rid of additional double quotes in a web log request string

I trying to write a ruby program that parses web log and makes sure each part of the log is valid. I trying to deal with the case of in the request string of the log, it has additional double quotes besides the starting and ending ones. I made the web log in the form of a regular expression because it's easier to read that make variables...

Ruby and Netbeans problem

Hi , I'm reading a file line by line in a simple program and when I print the the lines to the screen the last line can't be seen at the ouput window in Netbeans 6.5.1 IDE on Windows XP but when I run the program directly from the command line as "ruby main.rb" there is not a problem (i.e the last line can be seen).I'm using Ruby 1.8.6....

Is there a JRuby-Rack Sinatra Warbler Project archtype?

Is there a project archetype (or whatever the ruby community calls it) for a jruby + rack + Sinatra project that creates a WAR deployment file with all required dependencies all ready to go? What I want is the equivalent to "rails appname" that creates a ready to go project with ant/rake scripts and a basic directory hierarchy all ready...

Ruby mp3 Id3 parsing

Hello folks, Currently im working on some sort of music project, so dealing with user mp3 uploads. And the problem is that i cant find id3 library, that will work correctly for all files. I have tried libs: id3-ruby, Mp3Info, but still none of them gives me correct results. For example, most common problems: wrong stream parameters ...

Extend for one block call only

I have a class that contains some private attributes. What I would like to do is to dynamically add some setters for these only for the execution of a specific block. Example of what I would like to be able to: class Content attr_reader :a, :b def initialize @a = 1 @b = "plop" end def set(&block) extend(Setter) ...

Removing Junk Characters from Ruby String

I am trying to clean up a string that I get from a website using mechanize here is an except from the string with the junk characters "Mountain</b></a><br>ΓÇÄ1hr&nbsp;39minΓÇÄΓÇÄ - Rated&nbsp;PGΓÇÄΓÇÄ - Action/Adventure/Science&nbsp;fictionΓÇÄΓÇÄ - EnglishΓÇÄ - <a href=" Does any one know where they characters come from and how I can...

Ruby 1.9 on Mac - Rails still loading 1.8 libraries?

Hey guys, So I installed Ruby 1.9 into /usr/local/bin and kept Ruby 1.8.7 in /usr/bin. Renamed all my 1.8 ruby, rails, rdoc, etc. executables to ruby18, rails18, etc. So, going ruby --version at the command line gives me: ruby 1.9.1p129 (2009-05-12 revision 23412) [i386-darwin9.7.0] If I start up an irb session and look at the $: va...

Links in Ramaze with a/r helpers

In ramaze (2009.06.04) the link helper has changed and I have some problems to use it. I want to create a link to the MainController -> test action #{a('Testlink', r(:test))} This works if the URL is not in a specific controller. If the user is in a other controller like http://site/othercontroller/testtwo, the Testlink are linked to ...