
Does C1 code coverage analysis exist for Ruby?

I'm currently using Rcov to get C0 code coverage analysis for a rails project that I'm working on. However, those results are practically meaningless- I have 100% coverage according to rcov (as it only covers C0 analysis) and I've barely written half the test cases for the functionality that exists thus far. I'm used to the useful resu...

Restful commands

I am new to RESTful stuff. But, I want to use it in my rails app. When I add this to my routes.rb map.resources :notes I get routes to these methods created: index create new edit show update destroy What I am wondering is what is the difference between edit/update and create/new? Is there any standard definitions of how these met...

method_missing gotchas in Ruby

Are there any things to be careful about when defining the method_missing method in Ruby? I'm wondering whether there are some not-so-obvious interactions from inheritance, exception throwing, performance, or anything else. ...

Rails & Windows

Is Rails development really this hard on Windows? I'm a PHP developer looking forwards to using Rails (mainly because every single PHP framework I've tried has some quirk that I just hate). I downloaded Aptana Studio (w/ RadRails) as it seemed to be a good solution (and because I love anything Eclipse-based). But that's where the proble...

ActionController::MethodNotAllowed after reloading routes?

Hi, I have an application where I'm dynamically loading routes by a model, and calling ActionController::Routing::Routes.reload! after creating/updating that model. The problem is that after doing this, I'm receiving the following error when I try to hit that new route: ActionController::MethodNotAllowed Only get, head, post, put, and...

Best practice for limiting the number of associations within a has_many relationship?

Say that I have two models- Users and Accounts. Each account can have at most n users associated with it, and a user can only be associated with one account. It would seem natural to say that User belongs_to :account and Account has_many :users However, I'm not clear on the best practice when it comes to limiting the number of ...

Rails non-image file upload to DB without using server-side temp files?

I'm looking into the feasibility of adding a function to my Rails-based intranet site that allows users to upload files. Two purposes: My users are widely distributed geographically and linking to documents on the shared network storage doesn't always work (different addresses, DNS entries and stuff outside my control or interest) so I'...

How can I access a different object collection in a view in Rails?

I'm not sure how to search for this answer, so I'll go ahead and ask it. In my rails project I have a User model and a foo model. A user can have one or more foo models assigned to it. I have accomplished this by adding has_many :foo, :through => :user_foo in my user model. Now, over in my view, I want to display a list of all foo...

Adding Hyperlinks to created Bookmarks in a Word documnet using Ruby

How do you add a Hyperlink to a word document using an existing bookmark. I have been testing using IRB but continue to get Command Failed. I have attached to a running word application have text selected that I want to tie to the hyperlink. For testing I have been trying to just add a google hyperlnk. I figure once I get that then I wo...

Monkey-patching Vs. S.O.L.I.D. principles?

I'm slowly moving from PHP5 to Python on some personal projects, and I'm currently loving the experience. Before choosing to go down the Python route I looked at Ruby. What I did notice from the ruby community was that monkey-patching was both common and highly-regarded. I also came across a lot of horror stories regarding the trials of ...

How do I run Ruby tasks that use my Rails models?

I have a Rails app with some basic models. The website displays data retrieved from other sources. So I need to write a Ruby script that creates new instances in my database. I know I can do that with the test hooks, but I'm not sure that makes sense here. I'm not sure what this task should look like, how I can invoke it, or where it sh...

How to deploy an RubyGem-based Server

We have built a custom socket server in ruby and packaged it as a gem. Since this is an internal project we can not simply publish it to RubyForge or GitHub. I tried to setup our own gem server but gem would not authenticate over https. Our other deployment is all for standard rails applications that use capistrano and svn for deployme...

Best practice to mark deprecated code in Ruby?

I'd like to mark a method as deprecated, so the people using it can easily check their code and catch up. In Java you set @Deprecated and everybody knows what this means. So is there a preferred way (or even tools) to mark and check for deprecations in Ruby? ...

What's the "h" mean in "<%=h"?

When I generate a default scaffold, the display tags on show.html.erb have <%=h %> I know the difference between <% and <%=. What's the "h" do? ...

Rails Plugin: Paperclip Question

How can I prevent the image tag that calls the associated image from displaying if no image is associated with the record? <%= image_tag @agent.avatar.url %> me the text "Missing" if there is no image associated with that agent. I want to test to see there is an image available first, then render the above tag if the test re...

Rails: Check has_many in View

If I have... class Bunny < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :carrots end can I check in the View if @bunny has any carrots? I want to do something like this: <% if @bunny.carrots? %> <strong>Yay! Carrots!</strong> <% for carrot in @bunny.carrots %> You got a <%=h carrot.color %> carrot!<br /> <% end %> <% end %> I kn...

Ruby's subclassing and Qt's signals/slots don't work together as expected

When trying to work with Qt's signal/slot mechanisms over more than one level of inheritance, I ran into a problem: When my class does not directly inherit from QObject, signals and slots don't seem to work any more. The output of the following program illustrates the case: require 'Qt' class A < Qt::Object signals 'mySignal()' sl...

Where is the correct place to initialize the DRb service within a Rails application?

I'm using DRb within a Rails application to offload an expensive task outside the Rails process. Before initializing the client stub with it is necessary to initialize the DRb service with DRb.start_service. Doing this in model or controller appears to leave threads in an uncertain state. When I exit mongrel it says: Reap...

Rendering file with MIME Type in rails

Here's the code: render :file => @somedir + "/blah.xml" ...but the resulting MIME type is text/html when I check in FireBug. How do I specify a MIME type in this case? ...

How do I include HTML in a JS Rails response?

I have a FooController that responds to HTML and JS (AJAX) queries: # app/controllers/foo_controller.rb: class FooController < ApplicationController layout 'foo' def bar respond_to do |format| format.html # foo/bar.html.erb format.js # foo/bar.js.erb end end end The templates to support it: # app/views/lay...