I was using Ruby's Win32API to MoveWindow to move a window and resize it.
But if the window is minimized, it won't show.
SetWindowPos works too, and has a flag to hide or show the window, but it is to only make a window visible or invisible, not about minimizing or normalizing.
I also tried SetForegroundWindow and SetActiveWindow and ...
Nowadays I hope to have 2 Ruby versions on the same machine, because some gems are good for 1.8.6 only and at the same time, 1.9.1 is fast and it is to try out with Rails 2.3.
Is there a good way to sandbox the two versions? I installed 1.9.1 onto C:\ruby and 1.8.6 onto C:\ruby1.8.6, and change inside of C:\ruby1.8.6\bin
copy ruby.exe...
Win32's FindWindow() can find a window having the title of "Untitled - Notepad", but what if I just want to find a Notepad window but don't know whether it is "try.bat - Notepad" or some other file name on the title bar?
It seems that if the title is passed in a NULL value, then any window will be returned, but only one window is return...
What I have is a Theme model, which contains many Assets. Assets are using Paperclip and storing their file content in my Amazon AWS-S3 system. I'm also using deep_clone because my customers have the ability to copy built in Themes and then modify them to their hearts content. All the deep_clone stuff is working great, but when I deep...
The spreadsheet gem isnt documented properly, so I cant understand how can I write hyperlinks using spreadsheet gem. Can anyone tell me?
Is there any pre build function by which we can read the whole file without using any loop? So far i have only come across the ones which output line one by one or character one by one.
What's the easiest way to start over with Ruby Gems? I have Ruby 1.8.7 (OSX, ports) installed and I have also installed rails and some other random stuff a while back. Now the gems system seems to be totally dysfunctional and I can't upgrade rails. So is there a way to just nuke the gems so I can reinstall all this stuff with current ver...
I'm currently using GDB to debug a C Extension for Rails 3. Everything works perfectly except for RDebug contexts, where both GDB and RDebug echo my key input.
How can I turn off the key echo for RDebug? I don't believe I can solve this through GDB, as that would require constantly switching the echo on and off.
Hi, I have downloaded and am trying to run warehouse app http://warehouseapp.com (a subversion front end).
I have got xampp installed on my Windows Home Server and I have it working on port 80. I have set up the ruby on rails server using this guide grapethinking.com/getting-rails-to-work-on-a-windows-machine-running-xampp
I copy the w...
In PHP you need to use preg_quote() to escape all the characters in a string that have a particular meaning in a regular expression, to allow (in example) preg_match() to search for those special characters.
What is the equivalent in Ruby of the following code?
// The content of this variable is obtained from user input, in example.
I have to develop a plugin based software in ruby. What's the best architeture tu use?
I am thinking about plugin like this, each in a separate .rb file:
class MyPlugin < Plugin
def info
def run
# run
How i can write a plugin manager to call these plugins?
How can I use PHP 5.3 Closures like We use Blocks in Ruby.
I never used 'for' Loop in Ruby due to using Blocks with 'each' 'find_all' 'inject' Methods.
How can I use PHP 5.3 Closures like Ruby Blocks and say bye-bye to 'for' Loops :)
Like Between { and } is a Closure(or Block or Anonymous Function)
fruit = %w[apple banana orange]
in my rails controllers, there is a 'Admin' namespace.
(My the structure of the controllers dir is like this :
The 'Admin' will automatically become a Module constant (I know it from the console: 'puts Admin => Module');
Simple example:
class A
class B < A
Then, how can I judge whether class B is inherited from class A?
Is there a method somehow like is_a? or maybe called is_child_of??
I can't find one.
I'm certainly no Ruby developer but I have an application on my server using Ruby, Gems, and Bundler. I am trying to install another Ruby on under a different user account but on the same VPS. When I go to run
bundle install
I get the following error:
Could not locate Gemfile
I could remove the contents of the ./bundle director...
I have asked a question on SuperUser about updating Ruby version in Google SketchUp. It seems that there is something different between Ruby shipped with the standard OS X distribution, and Ruby installed by RVM or MacPorts. I get the following error message when I try to use RVM's or MacPorts' Ruby 1.9.1
Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT...
I've installed the Curb and Curb-fu gem and libcurl on my Ubuntu box.
If I go into irb and run the following
irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'curb'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> require 'json'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> require 'curb-fu'
=> true
So it seems that I have access to ...
From example:
local_var = "Thanks!"
@instance_var = "Thank you ,too"
Then how can I get the local_var and instance_var part by them self.
I mean weather there is a method maybe called get_self_name to get the name of himself:
local_var.get_self_name # => 'local_var'
@instance_var.get_self_name # => '@instance_var' or => 'instance_var...
Hi Guys!!
I would like to know if can be an option on Ruby like mysql_insert_id() for PHP.
Thanks a lot
I have to write an argument parser, it is passed in as a string ala {a, b, c} delimiter is comma with a space after it, but it can be escaped with a pipe "|" before it. So I was thinking of writing a regex like /[^\|], / to split by, and then removing all the escape characters afterwards. But when using this it will split by the characte...