What Ruby / Rails geocoding library is compatible with (can fetch data from):
latest Yahoo PlaceFinder api
latest Google V3 API
Bing maps API
Please also comment on the compatibility with Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9
Hi there,
I just installed a fresh copy of ruby 1.8.7 on Windows XP SP3 32bits.
Install watir.
I used the wikipedia example :
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir/ie'
Watir::Browser.default = 'ie'
b = Watir::Browser.new
so far so good, works as expected
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir/ie'
I have an expensive (time-consuming) external request to another web service I need to make, and I'd like to cache it. So I attempted to use this idiom, by putting the following in the application controller:
def get_listings
def get_listings!
return Hpricot.XML(open(xml_feed))
When I call get_listin...
I am working on a Ruby (1.8.6) on Rails (2.3.5) application in which I am currently using Gmail to deliver email messages. I want to switch to sending the messages with Delayed Jobs.
I have delayed jobs sending messages on my development environment but when I deploy to my production server and try the messages get rejected and an error...
I want to convert something like this:
class NestedItem
attr_accessor :key, :children
def initialize(key, &block)
self.key = key
self.children = []
self.instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
def keys
[key] + children.keys
root = NestedItem.new("root") do
children << NestedItem.new("parent_a") do...
I've been trying to stub open, the open-uri version, and I'm not succeeding.
I've tried doing the following but the request keeps going through:
Kernel.should_receive(:open).and_return("Whatever for now")
I've also tried to do
OpenURI::OpenRead.should_receive(:open).and_return("Whatever for now")
Since I tracked down that was wher...
I made some tests with the Firefox Selenium and then had it exported to Ruby. Although the tests all ran fine in Firefox, I am having trouble running the same suite in Ruby.
I tried to run one of the example programs they have and I also get the same connection refused error. Here is the error I got when trying to run their google_tes...
I am new to the unit testing seen; I have only been using unit tests for about 2 months now. When I unit test in Ruby I currently follow the TDD style and use Test::Unit::TestCase. I have also read about RSpec and how it follows the BDD methodology. I also have read about Shoulda which is a in between the two frameworks. My question is, ...
I need to create a local xml file from a rails application and then copy it to a location on another server.
I have tried using the File.new option to create a new file but it gives me an error saying the file does not exist. After looking closer at the documentation it says that File.new opens a file that already exists.
I can't see ...
In my Rails (2.3, Ruby 1.8.7) application, I need to truncate a string to a certain length. the string is unicode, and when running tests in console, such as 'א'.length, I realized that a double length is returned. I would like an encoding-agnostic length, so that the same truncation would be done for a unicode string or a latin1 encoded...
I have a hash in Ruby that is storing the word frequency of a string, with the word as the key and the frequency as the value.
words = a_string.split(/ /)
freqs = Hash.new(0)
words.each { |word| freqs[word] += 1 }
freqs = freqs.sort_by {|x,y| y }
freqs.each do |word, freq|
puts word+' '+freq.to_s
I've read that...
I would like to know some of the great opensource projects in Rails with some best practices and/or code standard including unit testing, so that I can learn some experiences from building apps from those sources.
As seen here: http://railstutorial.org/chapters/rails-flavored-ruby#top for the file:
module ApplicationHelper
# Return a title on a per-page basis.
def title
base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
if @title.nil?
"#{base_title} | #{@title}"
Hi guys,
I wonder if it possible to work with HTTParty (http://github.com/jnunemaker/httparty) request results as an object.
Currently i use string keys to access to values of result:
result["imageurl"] or result["address"]["street"]
If i were in JavaScript I could simply use:
result.imageurl or result.address.street
I'm trying to update irb on my OS X 10.5 macbook:
$ irb -v
irb 0.9.6(09/06/30)
I'm currently learning Ruby and was following the "Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby" and on this page: http://mislav.uniqpath.com/poignant-guide/book/expansion-pak-1.html they mention auto-completion in irb requires version 1.8 of irb.
I'm not sure ent...
I am looking to have a user click on a word and a tip shows up above the word showing the definition. The definitions will come from a glossary of words we already have. We are using Ruby and Jquery for the site.
Any suggestions or a finger pointing in a direction?
I have been trying to use the step() method on Date object to retrieve the previous 2 dates from the current date as follows:
date_d.step(2, step=-2){|d|
puts d
where 2 is the limit and step is the number of steps backward or forward.
I have done this in accordance with the Documentation given here: Date.step()
For example I do
$fri group_by
---------------------------------------------------- Enumerable#group_by
enum.group_by {| obj | block } => a_hash
Returns a hash, which keys are evaluated result from the block,
and values are arrays of elements in en...
Hi, i installed redmine with this manual:
but when i try to run redmine i got:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment" unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
require "dispatcher"
ADDITIONAL_LOAD_PATHS.reverse.each { |dir| $:.unshift(dir) if F...
CPAN has the Template::Declare package. A declarative way to create html templates in perl code without any html directly written.
I would love to use similar packages in python and ruby. Are there equivalent packages for those languages?