I'm looking for a way to load up an existing png image, and do a pixel by pixel manipulation of the values. Ideally, something like
image = Image.open('my.png')
image = image.map_each_rgb do |r, g, b|
[r-12, g+2, b+30]
I've looked into rmagick, but couldn't find a way to achieve this.
Are there any alternat...
I need to write web-service that will get files over http and convert them. This service in future might be included in rails application. I wonder what I need to use for that?
Mount as Rack-middleware? Sinatra app? Write Rails-engine? Simple ruby script with networking? Anything else?
Hi All,
I am a PHP dev trying to start using HAML, using this implementation:
HAML looks awesome, but I don't understand if/how it supports partials (or includes, as they are called in the PHP world).
I would like to have a master template HAML file that then goes and loads up a bunch of partials for al...
This does not seem to work:
class Test
define_method :private_method do
puts Test.new.private_method
So, we use SDB to store lots of data and currently I'm using the RightAWS gem for Ruby to access that data. I'm trying to get the results of a query which returns about 16,000 items. This process takes a long time because I only get 100 back each token, so about 160 requests must be made. The documentation says: "The limit is the maxi...
I have a bunch of recurring tests for some of my controller actions, all of which require authentication. As a result, you end up seeing a lot of code like the following:
describe "authentication requests" do
it "should return 401 for unauthenticated :show" do
get :show
it "should return 401 for unauth...
I'm using a inherited controller for an abstracted class. I'm trying to avoid overriding actions within all of the descendant controllers. How could I find out the name of the key where the array of form values is living? For example:
The master class currently uses this to update rows
if @parent.update_attributes(params[:parent])
I have a piece of code that checks that a survey response picked by user to a survey question is in fact one of valid choices:
Question.find_by_id(question_id).question_choices.all(:select => 'id').map {|x| x.id}.include?(user_choice_id)
Is there an easier way?
I've noticed this little oddity(I think) in If Statements in Ruby. Here's an example:
my_number = nil
if my_number < 3
'number is less than 3'
Obviously, when you run this code you'll get a "comparison of Fixnum with nil failed" error. Now here's something strange. If I make a little change in the If Statement to check for nil,...
rand 10 works but not 1 + rand 10. Why must it be 1 + rand(10)?
=> "ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-darwin10.4.0]"
> rand 10
=> 8
> (1 + rand 10)
SyntaxError: (irb):15: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
(1 + rand 10)
from /Users/peter/.rvm/r...
I was looking through some tab-completions that were automatically set up for my editor, and I found one where y was mapped to:
:yields: arguments
What is this syntax called, when, where, how and for what is this used?
Ok guys, so I'm making a scheduler.
So I have two tables so far,
Shows with "title:string" and "description:text" and I also have
ShowTime; with "show_id:integer", "day:string", and "show_time:time".
I did the has_many, and belongs_to, I honestly do not know where to go from here on,
I want a user to be able to add the times when cr...
>> current_user.first_visit
=> 0
>> if current_user.first_visit
>> puts "test"
>> end
=> nil
Why does it print test?
Hi i am using Ruby on rails. I am developing application where users can import their blogposts from wordpress , blogger and may be typepad into my site. can any one guide me how can i do it. Even if it's not a ROR solution do give me some ideas. I tried using Gdata api for blogger but that just gave me the link to post.
I want write a ruby wrapper for a existing C library (.so files). Can anyone point me to books/websites that can get me started with this.
I know Twitter initially ran on the Ruby on Rails platform.
Is this true today?
Just moving over to vim at the moment. In textmate I could format code by hitting cmd-alt-[. How do I achieve the same in vim?
See the answer below for the command. I found I also need the following in my vimrc so that vim new how to autoindent ruby.
if has("autocmd")
filetype indent on
Greets to all!
I want to describe each kind of product by a class:
# Base product class
class BaseProduct
prop :name, :price # Common properties for all inheritable products
class Cellphone < BaseProduct
prop :imei # Concrete property for this product
class Auto < BaseProduct
prop :max_speed, :color # Concrete properties...
I need to add the ability to upload and store any kind of file, PDF, XLS, DOC, etc. What is the best way to do this in a ruby on rails application?
I know that some say the @@class_var syntax should be avoid in Ruby and should use the @instance_var in the class' scope instead ...
def MyClass
@@bad_class_var # Should not do this.
@good_class_var # Should do this.
My question is why the @@ notation is frowned upon in Ruby?