
Can I run a script in an Eclipse run configuration?

My company has traditionally used a Linux command line development environment. We use a script to manage the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables when compiling and running. This script is called by adding it to the beginning of a command, like this: sbs make sbs ../bin/foo.exe I am trying to get our code to run from Ecli...

Organize eclipse run configurations in folders

Hi, I have several run configurations (a.k.a. launchers) to launch the softwares I develop. With different configuration flavors (+ branches!), I would like to organize the run configurations into folders so they are grouped in the launch menu. Is there a plugin or something to do that? ...

eclipse: running multiple launch configurations at once

hello, i have a several launch configurations in eclipse each launching the same java-program but with different parameters. now is it possible to run all of these at once (with one mouseclick) instead of selecting each of it seperately and launching it? thanks! ...