
What is the status of runat="server" tags in ASP.NET MVC?

Some texts on ASP.NET MVC state that "there are no runat server tags", even this MSDN article says this, when, right above that statement there is a code example with a runat server tag in the HEAD element: And on StackOverflow conversations I read "The fact that you want to...

How can I access runat="server" ASP element using javascript?

It seems everyone is doing this (in code posts etc.)...but I dont' know how :( whenever i try to manipulate an asp element using javascript i get a "element is null" or "document is undefined" etc. error..... javascript works fine usually,...but only when i add the runat="server" attribute does the element seem invisible to my javascri...

ASP.Net Master Page and File path issues

I'm trying to add a script reference to jQuery in my master page so that it will work for any page. It currently looks like this <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> The problem is that the path is always relative to the executing aspx page so this will only work if the "jquery.js" file is located in the same folde... difference between runat="server" and server controls

What is the difference in functionality between <asp:Button id="button1" Text="Click me" runat="server" OnClick="submitEvent" /> and <input type="button" id="button1" runat="server" value="Click me" /> Does the input with runat="server" attribute has other or limited properties and methods? Thank you! ...

LinkButton in ASP.NET MVC

I need to instantiate some ASP LinkButtons onto an ASP.NET MVC view page. I've tried a few things, and I cant get them to come out right. Heres my most recent incarnation of the code: the aspx file <body> <% using (Html.BeginForm("TitleDetail", "Movies", FormMethod.Post, new{runat="server"})) { %> <ul> <% foreach (var disc i...

Why do ASP.Net server control declarations require the runat="server" attribute?

Surely the fact that they're declared beginning with "<asp:" is enough to infer they're server controls? Or is it just included for completeness (so they look similar to the server control declaration of <input runat="server" for example). Or is there some special reason? It just always bugs me that the compiler tells me I've missed i...

what's the difference between <% %> and <script language="vbscript" runat="server"> in classic asp?

I couldn't find much documentation on the web so far now, the obvious difference seems to be that you cant mix html and vbscript using the "script" tag for example, this is ok <% public sub display_literal() %> literal script language="vbscript" runat="server"> public sub display_literal2() response.write "literal2</br>" end su...

Performance knock on using runat=server for html controls

Hi there... I tried to google this and came up a little short, so maybe someone here can shed some light on the topic. For url rewriting purposes in, I would like to declare all images and other resources in my application with the runat="server" attribute to take advantage of the "~/images" server path syntax. Debugging on ... form runat server

i have a search form on every page, hence i put it on the master page. after adding runat=server to that form i am now unable to use other forms that runat server ;) how do people usually get around this? one idea is to surround the whole page with one form runat=server but then i have to have the code in the master page even for those...

facebook fbjs script dosent work with runat="server" attribute

hi, I am trying making facebook application with My script code dosent run with form runat="server" attribute. I check with firebug and I am getting this error : XXX_form is null. my code : <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server"> <script> function displayError(title, me...

master pages, form pages, form runat=server > all onclick methods on master page?

the problem i have is that i have multiple nested master pages: level 1: global (header, footer, login, navigation, etc...) level 2: specific (search pages, account pages, etc...) level 3: the page itself now, since only one form can have runat=server, i put the form at global page (so i can handle things like login, feedback, etc...

How to avoid Adding runat="server" destroying my server tags <%...%>

Adding runat="server" is not rendering my server tags <%...%> I have a masterpage with a few <li> for menu and since I have to set class=selected for the current page, I am using a little server tag to find the url and assign the particular class. I have total of 10 <li> and not all menu is available to all types of user, I need to t...

What is the easiest (correct) way in ASP.NET MVC 2 to make a button-click display text?

I need to make a quick demo showing how to do interactivity on an ASP.NET MVC page. I opened an ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio 2010, put the view in design mode, dragged in a button, double-clicked on it and looked at the view again. I was expecting to see some ingenious JQuery code generated but instead an <asp:Button> and a <scr...

How can I use runat="server" on a script tag in asp.Net

I don't necessarily need to run it at server, however, I would like to use the ~/js/somefile.js syntax. Previously, I had just set everything with Absolute paths and set my project to be at the root level. SO, I'd just declare all my stylesheets, background images and javascript files something like /css/somefile.css However, for this ...