
Does Windows have its own 'call other .exe' function (C++)

I know in C++ there is a function system("example.exe"); that runs another program, put it requires the include stdlib.h. Because I am already including 'windows.h', is there an equivilant to the system() function in Windows? ...

How to call MATLAB code from C?

I have some code that plots triangles in MATLAB. I need to be able to somehow execute this code from my C program which generates these points. Is that possible? How can it be done? Just a thought: Can I somehow embed MATLAB code in C, so that it can compile on a C compiler? ...

how to automate timed running of 2 programs ?

I'm working in linux. I have two programs that run for infinite time ( that is , wont stop unless i kill the process ).i want to run program 1 first and then run program 2 after 20 seconds ( both will have to run simultaneously as one reads a file written by the other ).Currently , i am running the 2 programs by manually keeping track of...