
Please clarify the issue in the java code below

import java.lang.Process; import*; import; import; public class prgms{ public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Execute a command without arguments String command = "java JavaSimpleDateFormatExample"; Process chi...

C++ Runtime Error caused by adding new function (which isn't ever used beyond it's definition)

This has been stumping me for a bit. I have a Class written in C++. Everything works fine. Next, I add funtion void A(); to the header file and run, It still works fine. However as soon as I add a new function definition to the CPP file, I get a runtime error every single time. (specifically: Process terminated with status -1073741510 (...

Why can't i see a detailed error message in this aspx page?

I have a aspx page and it displays custom error but i can't see a detailed error message. My web.config looks like this, <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <appSettings /> <connectionStrings /> <system.web> <compilation debug="true" /> <authentication mode="Windows" /> <customErrors mode="On" /...

Adobe Flash Professional - runtime error line number?

Compiled error show the line number well, but how about runtime line number? I often get error such as: ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on cards::Game/myfunction(). Expected 0, got 1 and if I have many myfunction() in my AS3. It would be frustrating if I have to check one by one. Isn't a line number would...

WindowsXP VS2010 error code -2146232576 (0x80131700)

I'm trying to convert a large C++, C# project from VS2008 to Vs2010. I got an error "The program 'App.exe : Native' has exited with code -2146232576 (0x80131700)." may be somebody know a reason for this code. Thanks Faina ...

OpenCV 2.1: Runtime error.

Hi Guys, I have a program which uses OpenCV. I have a webcam and it captures color frames and I want to convert the color frames to gray-scale frames. So, I used the cvCvtColor(color_frame, gray_frame, CV_BGR2GRAY); to convert the color frames to BW frames. Upon using this color->Grayscale conversion function, I get a runtime error as: ...

Fatal error from incrementing loop.

Currently, I'm trying to make a function that sorts a vector full of fighters in the function sortFighters in the Fighter.cpp file. It all seems to compile correctly; However, when it does run, I get a fatal error in one of the lines of the aformentioned .cpp file. I know exactly what the problem is, and put a comment there accordingly. ...

Why Can't AppleScript make firstValue of hash into type reference in this test code?

I am confused by AppleScript references... I almost never develop in AppleScript, and am having a very difficult time finding good documentation on how AppleScript handles references. The following code fails because AppleScript Can’t make firstValue of hash into type reference.: on run foo() end run on foo() set the hash to {f...

Run-time error '429'

I have developed an inventory management software using VB6. and i have copied it on Client's machine and it was working. but 3 days before they formatted the system and now i copied the software again an i tried to run the application. but i got the following error message Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create objec...

Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() inside AsyncTask for ProgressDialog

I don't understand why I'm getting this error. I'm using AsyncTask to run some processes in the background. I have: protected void onPreExecute() { connectionProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(SetPreference.this); connectionProgressDialog.setCancelable(true); connectionProgressDialog.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_...

Runtime error accessing a vector

In my C++ project, I have a class App, and a class Window. Class App has a parameter: vector<Window*>* window;. In App's constructor, it is able to use and push_back a Window* onto this vector fine, but in my onMessage() method, which is called by the WndProc() (I'm using winapi), it gives me an runtime error when I try to use the vecto...

Java Swing JSlider addChangeListener error

Hello, I am using Swing to make a simple GUI but when I add a change listener to a JSlider, I get the following runtime error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at XMovePanel.<init>( My code is the following: public class XMovePanel extends JPanel { JSlider xCoord; private G...

How to pragmatically create BubbleSeries in SL4

I am creating a BubbleSeries in a function within CS file. As a data source I use a List<Dictionary<string,string>> GridData, Unfortunately my implementation throws an exception: No suitable axis is available for plotting the dependent value. I am SL4 newbie and I can not figure out what could be a reson. Here is how I create and add Bu...

The BlackBerry Simulator rises a RuntimeException

Hi everybody, I'm trying to run a BlackBerry project using Phonegap. I followed all the steps described here. When I run the project, I get the following error: C:\Users\Admin\Development\eclipse_galileo\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack6.0.0_6.0.0.29\components\bin\rapc.exe -quiet codename=deliverables\Standard\6.0.0\TaskBlackBerry d...

RunTime Error : map/set iterators incompatible

hi, i have Runtime Error "map/set iterators incompatible" in line &&&&&& void Manager::Simulate(Military* military, Shalishut* shalishut,char* args[]){ Simulation* simulation = Simulation::GetInstance(); Time* time = Time::GetInstance(); multimap<int,Task*>::iterator itTasks; itTasks = simulation->GetTasks().begin(); while(itTa...

In access-vba, what triggers run-time error 2046 (The command or action 'RunSQL' isn't available now)

There is an oddity in my VBA module. Sometimes I get a run-time error 2046: The command or action 'RunSQL' isn't available now. When I try it again later, without changing any code, it no longer gives the error, some time later, it does again. Does anyone know what triggers this run-time error? And how can I avoid it? I think the prob...

Basic Hadoop Map/Reduce RunJar Question

I have a four machine Hadoop cluster setup that I've verified works correctly using the bundled WordCount example running locally from the NameNode machine. I'm now starting to write my own MapReduce classes in Java which I've bundled into a JAR with the necessary driver class that extends Configured and implements Tool. I'm trying to r...

Java runtime error with JNI

I am trying to build and run an example jni program. The program is just a sample helloworld program. I did not write it but I assume that it works. I am running this on Linux. There are four files. HelloNative.c HelloNative.h To build the files, I did gcc -I/myDir/jdk/include -I/...

Validity of .NET Assemblies Causing Runtime Error

Hello, I created a library of classes in C++ and compiled it to a .dll. Everything compiles fine in .NET framework 3.5 using VS2008. Then I want to reference my .dll in a C# project I'm working on in VS2010. The .dll is linked fine and all the methods are loaded properly (meaning if I type a class variable and then a ".", it drops do...

vb6 run time error 13

i am using sql server for database. In my coding when am inserting integer value into table am getting type mismatch error. my code as set rst1=cnn1.execute("select distinct(tagid) from pgevent") it returns some values when am trying to insert into another table am getting error cnn1.execute("insert into tags values("+cint(rst1.field...