
In R, what is a good way to aggregate String data

In R (or S-PLUS), what is a good way to aggregate String data in a data frame? Consider the following: myList <- as.data.frame(c("Bob", "Mary", "Bob", "Bob", "Joe")) I would like the output to be: [Bob, 3 Mary, 1 Joe, 1] Currently, the only way I know how to do this is with the summary function. > summary(as.data.frame(myL...

Calling R from S-Plus?

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good way to call R from S-Plus? Ideally I would like to just pass code to R and get data back without having to write anything too elaborate to integrate them. I should add that I'm familiar with the RinS package on Omegahat, but I haven't used it. I was under the impression that Insightful had...

What's your pet peeve or 'favorite' confusing feature in R

Mine from today: qnorm() takes Probabilities and pnorm() takes Quantiles. ...

iteratively constructed dataframe in Rx

Hi, I'm relatively new to R, and was wondering the most efficient way to iteratively construct a dataframe (one row at a time, the number of iterations "n" and the length of each row "l" are known beforehand). Create empty dataframe, add a row each iteration Preallocate n x l dataframe, modify a row each iteration Preallocate n x l mat...