
Most suitable language(s) for simulations in modeling?

I will participate a modeling competition, which spends three days. I need a language which is fast and designed for modeling, such as to 2D/3D models. I have considered these languages: Python Sage Which languages would you use? ...

How can I manipulate lists in Sage?

I need to multiply a list by 2. I tested the code unsuccessfully: 2 * List ...

Integrating with Sage Financial Software

I have recently been asked to develop an application that will have to integrate with Sage Line 50 financial software. I've done some googling and I am surprised at the lack of info on interfacing with Sage from Java or .Net. Is Sage such a black box that you need to sign up to a Sage Developer program before you get any info? Are there...

How to access the product list from Sage Line 50?

I need to pull the product list from Sage Line 50. Is there any way to do this without having to spend £1500 on joining the developer program? I only need to read data, I do not need to put data back into Sage. I've seen the odd mention of an ODBC.Net driver for Sage, but I cannot find any tutorials or examples of how this is done? Tha...

Sage CRM web services example in Python

Hi all, I am trying to write a Python consumer for Sage CRM using their Web Services interface. I am using SOAPpy as Python SOAP library (not married to it, was easy to install on Ubuntu so went with it). Managed to fetch the WSDL using the Proxy and executed the logon method exposed by Sage CRM. from SOAPpy import * proxy = WSDL.P...

Find Sin(i) with SageMath

How can you find the sin(i) with Sage? I am trying to do some complex analysis with Sage. The following commands are not working sin(i) sinh(i) ...

Sage API Recurring/Memorised Invoices

I am have been looking at a piece of software called connect to push data into Sage, however this appears not to be able to push memorised invoices into Sage. Now I cannot find any information regarding the Sage API, however does anyone know if the API allows recurring invoices ? Also what happens if for instance someone changes there ...

Finite element analysis in Sage

Can one do finite element analysis in Sage? If so, is it static or dynamic? If not, can somebody suggest an alternative application? I've tried Impact, but it doesn't meet my needs. Matlab is an option but I'd rather not have to buy a license. ...

Sage 50 Accounts Database Schema

Hi, I am accessing Sage 50 data via their ODBC Driver but cannot seem to establish if the tables have a unique / primary key. The ODBC.NET Driver does not seem to return any information relating to indexes or key field information. Anyone got any clues? Tim ...

Vim autocmd based on file contents

I'm trying to set up Vim to detect when a .tex file contains the command '\usepackage{sagemath}', and run a command accordingly. I've gotten to :au BufReadPost,BufWritePost *.tex TTarget sagepdf but that will fire for all .tex files, which isn't what I want. ...

ACT by sage integration with

Hi all, Wondering if someone here can help. I have been asked to develop an ASP.Net application which will directly connect (store and retrieve) to the ACT! databse already functional. I am new to ACT and looking for a starting point to integrate it with ASP.Net application. In particular I am looking for answers to the following quest...

Assign sage variable values into R objects via sagetex and Sweave

I am writing a short Sweave document that outputs into a Beamer presentation, in which I am using the sagetex package to solve an equation for two parameters in the beta binomial distribution, and I need to assign the parameter values into the R session so I can do additional processing on those values. The following code excerpt shows ...

Python (1..n) syntax?

I see in the code on this Sage wiki page the following code: @interact def _(order=(1..12)): Is this (1..n) syntax unique to Sage or is it something in Python? Also, what does it do? ...

SciPy Create 2D Polygon Mask

I need to create a numpy 2D array which represents a binary mask of a polygon, using standard Python packages. input: polygon vertices, image dimensions output: binary mask of polygon (numpy 2D array) (Larger context: I want to get the distance transform of this polygon using scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt.) Can any...

Accessing Sage Timberline Accounting with PHP and ODBC on Windows

I'm trying to connect to a Sage Timberline Accounting database on my Windows 2003 Server using php 5.3. I have php correctly installed with IIS as fastcgi. I have a system DSN setup in ODBC Manager and correctly configured for the Timberline database. Here is my php script. $conn = odbc_connect("Timberline ODBC","user", "password"); ...