
SAJAX and Form fields

Is there a way to send a whole form's fields through a sajax function call? I think it is sajax anyway. We are using Mediawiki and the function call is to "sajax_do_call(funcName,[params],callbackFuncName)" I was just wondering if there was a way to jsut drop all fields from a form into params? ...

AJAX browser-dependent limit on length of data sent? (SAJAX)

EDIT: now the question becomes, how do I tell Sajax to use POST instead of GET? I've tried some examples from google but they are sketchy, and as I said, they didn't work. I know, we're all jQuery nuts around here. I've used the following code to try and find a limit to the amount of data that can be sent to the server via an ajax cal...

Is SAJAX dead? What to replace with?

We use Sajax for adding small Ajax code to sites. After running into a problem and doing some digging, it seems the library hasn't been updated since 2005. I've appreciated Sajax for being lightweight, easy to use, and easy to install (just include the file in PHP). So, on the LAMP stack, if you have used Sajax before, what would you...

How do I cancel an ajax call made using sajax?

Hi guys - a long while back when I built my first web application I used sajax by modernmethod to add ajax features to it. NOw its been a while and I have to clean it up a bit - I haven't set any real checks and my code of the time is terrible inefficient and to top things off it seems that sajax is dead? How do you cancel a specific a...

How do I check for an ajax request thats taking too long or just died out?

I'm using sajax here and at times my ajax queries seem to die out and theres no way for me to tell if something has gone wrong so I end up with an infinitely running preloader. What do I do? ...