
Salt, passwords and security

I've read through many of the questions on SO about this, but many answers contradict each other or I don't understand. You should always store a password as a hash, never as plain text. But should you store the salt (unique for each user) next to the hashed password+salt in the database. This doesn't seem very clever to me as couldn't ...

SHA1 Password returns as cleartext after DB query

Hi. I have a SHA1 password and PasswordSalt in my aspnet_Membership table. but, when I run a query from the server (a Sql Query), the reader reveals that the pass has returned as its cleartext equivalent. I am wondering if my web.config configuration is causing this? <membership defaultProvider="CustomMembershipProvider" ...

Unique text field in MySQL and php

I've created a salt using; md5(rand(0,10000000)); (there is probably a better way?) There doesn't seem to be possible to make a text field unique in MYSQL. So how do I check if the salt has already been used for a previous user? Or should I generate the salt based on the current date/time? as it is impossible for 2 users to register at...

How can I hash passwords in postgresql?

I need to hash some passwords with salt on postgresql, and I haven't been able to find any relevant documentation on how to get that done. So how can I hash passwords (with some salts) in postgresql? ...

Is MD5 really that bad?

I've heard that MD5 is "broken" (in the context of password encryption). But I don't understand why! I've read the theory, but can't see it happening in practice... I have an MD5 hash 99e9446e78aac2056d3903e1adb8fbcd And a simple bit of code to produce it $salt="#bh35^&Res%"; $pass="***"; //number of characters is not equal to number ...

Help needed in grokking password hashes and salts

I've read a number of SO questions on this topic, but grokking the applied practice of storing a salted hash of a password eludes me. Let's start with some ground rules: a password, "foobar12" (we are not discussing the strength of the password). a language, Java 1.6 for this discussion a database, postgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracl...

Encrypt hashed passwords?

Hi everyone, Is it common sense to encrypt hashed&salted passwords that are stored in a database with a strong encryption (AES 192 or so) or are we just aiming for the stars? Of course, the encryption key will not be in the database itself, but will be kept at a safe place. Thanks a lot! ...

What does 'salt' refer to in string-to-key (s2k) specifier?

What does 'salt' refer to in string-to-key (s2k) specifier? It appears to be a random number generator to shake things up, but I would like to know what 'salt' stands for? For example it is written: Salted S2K This includes a "salt" value in the S2K specifier -- some arbitrary data -- that gets hashed along with the pa...

[Sql-Server]what data type to use for password salt and hash values and what length?

I am generating salt and hash values from my passwords by using, string salt = CreateSalt(TxtPassword.Text.Length); string hash = CreatePasswordHash(TxtPassword.Text, salt); private static string CreateSalt(int size) { //Generate a cryptographic random number. RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); b...

comparing salt and hashed passwords during login doesn't seem work right....

I stored salt and hash values of password during user registration... But during their login i then salt and hash the password given by the user, what happens is a new salt and a new hash is generated.... string password = collection["Password"]; reg.PasswordSalt = CreateSalt(6); reg.PasswordHash = CreatePasswordHash(password, reg.Pass...

Hashing in SHA512 using a salt? - Python

Hi folks, I have been looking through ths hashlib documentation but haven't found anything talking about using salt when hashing data. Help would be great. ...

runtime loading of ValidateAntiForgeryToken Salt value

Consider an ASP.NET MVC application using the Salt parameter in the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] directive. The scenario is such that the app will be used by many customers. It's not terribly desirable to have the Salt known at compile time. The current strategy is to locate the Salt value in the web.config. [ValidateAntiForgeryToken(S...

Can someone point me to a good PHP/MySQL salted hashed password implementation?

Hey everyone, After reading about salts password hashing Id like to implement a simple version for an admin area to a site Im building. If you have any good links with code that have implemented this idea well, I would appreciate it if you could share. Thanks, ...

Salt question - using a "random salt"

Hey everyone, Further to my question here, I have another question regarding salts. When someone says "use a random salt" to pre/append to a password, does this mean: Creating a static a 1 time randomly generated string of characters, or Creating a string of characters that changes at random every time a password is created? If th...

Optimal password salt length

Possible Duplicate: What is the optimal length for user password salt? I tried to find the answer to this question on Stack Overflow without any success. Let's say I store passwords using SHA-1 hash (so it's 160 bits) and let's assume that SHA-1 is enough for my application. How long should be the salt used to generated passw...

PHP secure logon script - md5 hash is not matching the hash i wrote to the database in a previous script?

I am trying to cobble together a login script in PHP as a learning project. This is the code for my database write when the user registers. Both of these values are written to the database. $this->salt = md5(uniqid()); $this->password = md5($password.$salt); Upon logging in, the following function is fired. function challengeLogin...

How to easily salt a password in a C# windows form application?

How can I easily salt a password from a Textbox.Text? Are there some built in wizardry in the .NET framework? ...

Using the same salt for multiple fields

I have a field in a row that I'm hashing and salting. The salt for each row is different. I decided to hash/salt a couple of more fields in each row. Would using the same salt for those new fields in the same row make the data more susceptible to rainbow attacks compared to if I were to generate a new salt for each field? My logic is t...

How does a database get hacked? A question about salting, etc.

Bear with me, I have been only learning PHP for only a few weeks, so example code may confuse me. I think I finally understand salting! It's to protect passwords inside database, if breached. What I don't understand is, why would a hacker have to crack hashes if they are trying to figure out a user's password (assuming that's their goal...

Salting my hashes with PHP and MySQL

Like most users, I'm simply trying to figure out a secure way to store passwords. What I haven't found here (or maybe it's my lack of understanding) is how to retrieve a salted hash in my database and separate the salt from the hashed password, especially with unique salts to each password while maintaining the salt+password in a single ...