
Scala - implicit conversion of Int to Numeric[Int]

I've created a class that can be parameterised by anything that can be converted to Numeric class Complex[T <% Numeric[T]] (val real : T, val imag : T) { //... complex number methods ... } Then elsewhere in the code I try: var myComplex = new Complex(0, 1) This raises a compilation error because (surprisingly) there's no implici...

How do I convert Array[Node] to NodeSeq?

I'm trying to integrate a Lift application into some existing Java code. In one of my snippets, I have an Array of Java objects that I need to map that into a NodeSeq. I can get an Array of Node's, but not a NodeSeq. (At least, not in very functional-looking way). import scala.xml.NodeSeq // pretend this is code I can't do anything ...

Is the PartialFunction design inefficient?

This is something I've wondered about for a while. I see this pattern a lot: if (pf.isDefinedAt(in)) pf(in) By breaking this up into two separate calls, all of the patterns that were evaluated in #isDefinedAt are then also evaluated in #apply. For example: object Ex1 { def unapply(in: Int) : Option[String] = { println("Ex1") ...