
Scala Swing event framework - where do I add my reactors?

I'm trying to catch a mouse-click even on a Table (which should cause a popup to be shown). The table is inside a ScrollPane which is (in turn) inside a Panel. I have added reactions to all the classes, but I can never seem to actually get a click event to be caught! class MyPanel extends GridBagPanel { val gbc = new GridBagContraints...

How do I extend scala.swing?

In response to a previous question on how to achieve a certain effect with Swing, I was directed to JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame. Unfortunately, scala.swing doesn't seem to have any wrapper for either class, so I'm left with extending it. What do I have to know and do to make minimally usable wrappers for these classes, to be used wi...

Problems with Scala Swing library

Hello I am having problems when using the Scala Swing library in version 2.8 Beta1-prerelease. I have a situation where I want to show a table in GUI, and update it as results are returned from a SQL request. Which way could this be done in Scala, at the moment i am using the DefaultTableModel from Java library. Another thing is that I ...

Tutorial on swing in Scala?

Is there a good tutorial showing how to use scala.swing._ ? ...

Changing Scala Swing ComboBox Items

I tried to implement a date selection using three ComboBox as shown below. contents += new Label("Selected Date:") val dayBox = new ComboBox(1 to 31) contents += dayBox val monthBox = new ComboBox(List("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")) contents += monthBox listenTo(monthBox.selection) r...

Scala Swing Wait

//Main.scala /* imports */ object Main extends SimpleSwingApplication { lazy val ui = new TabbedPane { /* contents */ } def top = new MainFrame { /* contents */ } override def startup(args: Array[String]) { val t = top val loginStatus = new Login(t).status if (loginStatus == true) { if (t.size == ...

Scala: Button in Table Cell does not "fire" Action

hi I've got a little Problem: I want to have Buttons in some of the cells of my Table. As rendering component I return a Button with the following code: (theres application specific and debugging code in this example but you'll get the picture) class LivingTreeButton(lt:LivingTree[_], client:TableBehaviourClient) extends Button(Action(...

Scala Swing Components

I have a collection of ComboBox declared as below. val cmbAll = for (i <- 0 to 4) yield new ComboBox(List("---", "Single", "Double")) And I try to listen to one of it via listenTo(cmbAll(0).selection) However, I can't actually perform the reactions. reactions += { case SelectionChanged(`cmbAll(0)`) => /** action here **/ } All...