
Representing complex scheduled recurrence in a database

I have an interesting problem trying to represent complex schedule data in a database. As a guideline, I need to be able to represent the entirety of what the iCalendar -- ics -- format can represent, but in a database. I'm not actually implementing anything relating to ics, but it gives a good scope of the type of rules I need to be abl...

Create a summary description of a schedule given a list of shifts

Assuming I have a list of shifts for an event (in the format start date/time, end date/time) - is there some sort of algorithm I could use to create a generalized summary of the schedule? It is quite common for most of the shifts to fall into some sort of common recurrence pattern (ie. Mondays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, Tuesdays from 10:00...

Django static media files are not coming through

I cannot, for the life of me, get my static media files to come through on my local test machine in one particular project, though I've had no problem with a few other Django projects. I'm using Django 1.1.1 and a Windows XP environment. My looks like this for the media-hosting stuff: ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__) ...

how to schedule backup in sql server 2008 ?

how can I schedule daily backup at 9:00pm in SQL server 2008? ...

How to "make something" in a specific time and day of the week in java?

I have an application that needs to play some specifics audios(mp3) periodically. Let me give one example: Every Monday at 8:00am -> hello.mp3. How can I do that in Java?? I´m trying using Calendar, JodaTime, but I cant do it. ...

Hiding the time in a datetime model field in Django?

I'm using Thauber's lovely Django schedule app, but have run into a problem: I can't figure out how to exclude the time portion of the datetime field. My form class and lame exclusion attempt looks like this: class LaundryDeliveryForm(EventForm): start = forms.DateTimeField(widget=forms.SplitDateTimeWidget) end = forms.DateTim...

Automatically save web pages monthly for later print

I need to schedule the saving of the webalizer first stats webpage of many sites monthly on a vista machine. Any thoughts on the best way to go about this? ...

How do you schedule execution of a Windows Workflow?

I'd like to move my scheduled tasks into workflows so I can better monitor their execution. Currently I'm using a Window's scheduled task to call a web service that starts the process. Is there a facility that you use to schedule execution of a sequence so that it occurs every N minutes? My optimal solution would: Easy to configure Pr...

Any recommendations for a Web based Daily Schedule event control Toolkit

We have a backend VB based scheduling app which we would like to webify. A key function point is displaying multi-person schedule (with possible multi-events) for a selected day. A sample can be seen at In VB we've used a non-web custom control SchedOCX to deliver this functionality. Any recommendation for a...

TimerTask keeps running

I have a question about the behaviour of Timer class in Java. This is the code: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Main m = new Main();; m = null; } public void foo() { Timer t = new Timer(); t.schedule(new SysPrint()...

Resource scheduling problem

I'm developing a motorcycle hire website. The problem I have is how to solve the problem of assignment a guest to a motorcycle in an efficient way. I know how to do it in a "silly" way, but I want to know if there is a classical algorithm that solves this kind of problem. It's the same problem as the assignment of a guest to rooms in a h...

EJB 3.1 timer rollback exception

Hey fellows, I've been getting a load of rollbackexception when calling some SELECT JPQL or namedqueries from a Singleton. The Singleton as one method with the @Schedule annotation calling the some others db query which run fine. But once that shceduled method calls on some other methods which at their turn call db queries then everythi...

<p:schedule> decode method does not invoke


Scheduling events in a WSGI framework

I've written a Python app that reads a database of tasks, and schedule.enter()s those tasks at various intervals. Each task reschedules itself as it executes. I'd like to integrate this app with a WSGI framework, so that tasks can be added or deleted in response to HTTP requests. I assume I could use XML-RPC to communicate between the...

Java Concurrent Execution of Thread Task

Hi, I have a task that needs to be executed on a schedule. (It basically polls a database looking for a change and then executes code depending on the result). The problem is that I need the polled task to happen even when it is already executing. So far I have tried using a Timer/TimerTask combo with the scheduleAtFixedRate() method a...

Oracle scheduled job fails

Hi I am using Oracle 10g and using following script to create the job CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE archtemp AS BEGIN UPDATE ARCH_TEMP SET ARCH_DATE = SYSDATE; COMMIT; END archtemp; VAR jobno NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT(:jobno, 'archtemp;', SYSDATE, 'sysdate + 1/1440'); COMMIT; END; The job never executes automatically...

Scheduling jobs on windows

Hi all, What is the best way of scheduling simple batch jobs on windows? My current need is to dump some SVN repositories each night and FTP the dumps to our external FTP side and then e-mail one or more people that the backup has completed/failed. This sounds like the sort of thing I would usually do in a unix script + cron. Is that...

How to schedule my android app to do something every hour

Hi guys, I want my app to access database every hour and read next record from the table then update desctop widget and send notification. I know that there is AlarmManager which I can use to register my Intents but they are deleted when the phone is turned off or rebooted. Is there any other android class/service that I would update ...

DB backend for nurse scheduling problem

I'm taking a Software Design course at Penn State and my group is tasked with solving the Nurse Scheduling Problem. I would like to have it store previous schedules as well as the current schedule in a MySQL database, but I'm not sure what the best way to do this is. For the current schedule, I was thinking of a table with the date, the...

NSMutableArray EXC_BAD_ACCESS when i try read from it

I want update position of Particles for store this information I use NSMutableArray. I want do update 1 time per 2 seconds for example. For this I try use this code. //ParticlesLayer.h @interface ParticlesLayer : CCLayer { CCQuadParticleSystem *particle; NSMutableArray *partilesCoordinates; } @property (assign, readwrite) NSMutableArra...