
Why is my table name not valid?

Here is the create statement: create table dbmonitor.DBMON_DATABASE_TYPE ( DATABASE_TYPE_ID BIGINT IDENTITY NOT NULL, DispName NVARCHAR(255) null, primary key (DATABASE_TYPE_ID) ) and this is the error I get: 13:40:57,685 ERROR [TestRunnerThread] SchemaExport [(null)]- The table name is not valid. [ Token li...

Get schema data types from Xerces

I am using SAX2 in Xerces C++ and would like to get XML Schema data while I handle elements so that I know their type defined in the Schema. How can I accomplish this? ...

How to validate xml so that only elements that actually exist can be used as attributes?

So, basically what I want to do is to emulate the "ref" attribute of schema validation. I have the following XML, for example: <node name="parent"> <subordinate name="child3" /> </node> <node name="child1" /> <node name="child2" /> And I want this to be flagged by my schema as invalid, since "child3" isn't one of the availab...

What tools should I use to visualize structure of my code?

I have an application written in Java. In is stored in several files. It uses different classes with different methods. The code is big and complicated. I think it would be easier to understand the code if I have a graphical model of the code (some kind of directed graph). Are there some standard methods for visualization of code. I am t...

JAX RS Jersey Schema Validation

How to configure schema validation for JAX-RS RESTFul services? We are using XSD to define the models, and JAXB to generate the java models. ...

Should I store the parent and child in a row or only the child

Let's say I'm building a car rentals application, and at a point I have to show all available cars. In the DB, I have the following tables: Brand Model Cars In Model, there is a FK to Brand, let's say Brand_id So my question is: Cars table should have Brand and Model columns? Or only a Model column given that I could get the Brand...

Mail messaging schema question

Creating schema for the mail module. Two user flows: People message eachother onsite and eventually add in webamil functionality. My tech team created the schema like Messages, Trash_messages, Inbox, Sent_message... where each table has message_id, sender, received, message_text, message_subject. My view is to create only one message t...

Basic table design Q

I am trying to understand this concept. For example: I have two tables City and Country. Country ------- id abbreviation name City ----- id name Country (name or id, or both? - This is the question) To reference and keep a particular city in sync with the country it belongs to I guess this will be reference to country....

table schema design problem while using innodb

I have encountered a problem when designing the table schema for our system. Here is the situation: our system has a lot of items ( more than 20 millions ), each item has an unique id, but for each item there can be lots of records. For example for the item with id 1 there are about 5000 records and each record has more than 20 attrib...

Proper Table Schema

I have a project that I am working on and I can't figure out which would be a "better" table relationship schema. The scope of the area in question are: -User uploads documents (become the owner/author) -User can share document with other users (set share rights) -Any user who has access to document can checkout the document (exclusi...

Where can I browse common schemas?

It is hackish and myopic to write a new XML schema for a common data situation without considering existing standard schemas. It would be silly, for instance, to write a schema for recording internet bookmarks without considering XBEL. Yet while a quick search yeilds hundreds of examples of how to write your own DTD, RNC, XSD, etc, I h...

how to avoid sequence using XSD

i want a particular sequence to be generated in a random manner <item> <i1>abc</i1> <i2>pqr</i2> </item> now how can i make an xsd where <i1> can come before <i2> ? ...

Doctrine many-to-many relations with extra field

Hi! I want to join 3 table, Szamla, Termek and Vasarlo. This is my schema: options: collate: utf8_unicode_ci charset: utf8 Szamla: actAs: [Timestampable] columns: datum: type: timestamp notnull: true total: type: float notnull: true fizetesi_datum: type: date fizetesi_ora: ...

Schema design question

I have an industry lookup table: ID, Name. I have other industry properties such as Industry sector, Industry service, Industry products, etc. These are all required properties for each industry so any industry being entered will have these data. These data are fixed list items like Industry sector = (Primary, Secondary, tertiary). On s...

MS SQL 2008 - Create a copy of the database without the data

In MS SQL Server 2008 R2, how do i create a new database based on the schema of the old one, but without copying any of the data along with it? I am using SQL Server management studio. Sorry if this is a duplicate. I looked around and wasn't finding what i wanted. I assume this is pretty simple to do. ...

VS2010 DB Project - moving stored proc to another schema

I've got a database under source control using a VS2010 database project. I'm trying to move some stored procs from the [dbo] schema to another schema. When I change the schema name in the project (moved in folder structure plus edited the CREATE to indicate the new schema) and deploy, I end up with a CREATE for the proc in the new sch...

DB schema for a booking system of fitness class

I need a schema for fitness class. The booking system needs to store max-number of students it can take, number of students who booked to join the class, students ids, datetime etc. A student table needs to store classes which he/she booked. But this may not need if I store students ids in class tables. I am hoping to get some good i...

How can I change the schema of an existing tridion component

I have some component items in tridion which are set up for a particular schema. I'd like to be able to change the schema for those items to a newer schema. The new schema retains all of the existing properties that the old one had, so there would be no data loss. In this situation it is not possible to just alter the existing schema. D...

Human- and computer-readable hierarchical data format with inheritance across files

I'm looking for a data format for text files with hierarchical information. These files will be created primarily by human input (rather than generated by programs), but will be read primarily by programs. The main requirements are: Very simple and uncluttered syntax. (Example: levels of hierarchy defined by tabs would work fine.) So s...

Generate Json schema from XML schema (XSD)

Does anybody know how to generate a Json schema from a existing XML schema (XSD file)? Are there any tools available for this? ...