
JAXB type Erasure

Hi, I'm trying to create java to xsd for a java type that looks like this. public class MainRequest<E extends AParentType<Person>> extends EObject { private Transaction tran; private E e; private String email; } public class SubRequest extends MainRequest<AChildType> { } where AChildType extends AParentType. when i try to create a s...

prevent schemagen from adding the super-class to the schema?

Hi, how do i prevent schemagen from adding the super-class to the schema? I have tried using XMLTransient on the super-class, and on its fields but they still show up in the schema . for example : @XmlTransient public class Asset { @XmlTransient public Long ID; } public class Movie extends Asset { } creates this schema : ...

Generating XML Schema from JAXB class files in Ant

Is it possible to use the shemagen ant Task to generate an xsd schema from class files instead of from source? ...