
Start a screensaver when explorer is not the shell

Hi, I'm running my own kiosk application as the shell (replacing HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/winlogon/shell). The application needs to be able to turn off the monitor and I was using Process.Start("scrnsave.scr") to do this. It works on my dev machine but not when the shell is replaced. It's clearly because the UseShellExecute ...

Override screensaver?

This is a long shot but...we have an Air app that needs to run continously, even if the computer has a screensaver. Is there any way to detect and override that? Thanks! ...

Unhide cursor in Cocoa screensaver

Hello! I’m developing a Mac OS X screensaver that uses WebView. WebView loads flash with a map. I want to let a user move the map and resize it (flash map has appropriate controls). I’ve redefine mouseMoved: method so the screensaver does not exit on mouse move. But the mouse cursor is still hidden. It’s visible only on mouse drag. I’ve...

Make screensaver fire whenever computer locks?

Is it possible to force the screensaver to appear whenever a computer becomes locked? Specifically on XP, 7 if possible. ...

Capture Screen at ScreenSaver startup

Hey All, I am creating a WPF screensaver, although this question isn't really WPF-specific. I have code to do a screen capture when the screensaver kicks in (using GDI+ and Interop). This all works fine in Preview mode, but not in normal screensaver mode (even though both call the same code). I'm guessing that Windows itself is cle...

How to check if Linux console screensaver has blanked screen

Hi, is there a way to check programmatically (via ioctl(), etc.) or by reading a file in /sys, /proc or /dev) whether the screen has been blanked by the Linux console screensaver? Thanks and best regards, Günter ...

Anyone know how to programmatically change the text of a marquee screensaver?

For an app I'm building, a requirement is to have the state subtly visible at all times. At first I decided to simply disable the screensaver, but now think it would be preferable to use the scrolling marquee screensaver to indicate state. Is this possible? How would I go about it? Since the app will only be installed on a small number...

screen saver for program

How times changed the screensaver Code View : RegistryKey screenSaverKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\Desktop"); if (screenSaverKey != null) { string screenSaverFilePath = screenSaverKey.GetValue("SCRNSAVE.EXE", string.Empty).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpt...

AutoIt: How to get system idle time, or if screensaver is active?

I'd like to have an AutoIt script log the idle time. Alternatively, I'd like to be able to detect when the screensaver is active. There is no function that gives me either of these. How would I go about getting this functionality? ...

Screensaver for ubuntu that fetches online data?

Hi everyone, I got an idea last night. I have a PHP script at my web server that returns a XML or JSON array. What could I do to make a Ubuntu Screensaver to fetch this online data? ...

Screensaver fails to launch external program in Windows XP

Hi, I'm writing a screensaver in C# which should launch an application and then terminate when the user presses the "A" key. This currently does happen on Windows 7 when you double click the .scr file or wait until it launches. On Windows XP the external application launches normally only when you double click the .scr file. When the s...