
WPF: Srollviewer not working in Items control.

I have a itemscontrol under scrollviewer. and under this items control I have another Usercontrol with items control under scroll viewer. something like this: scrollviewer itemscontrol .... /itemscontrol /scrollviewer under the above itemscontrol there is a usercontrol having: scrollviewer itemscontrol .... /itemscontrol /scrollviewer...

Scrolling text with wrapping on iPhone

Hi, is it possible to make text scroll horizontally and wrap when finished? Automatically scrolling like a NYSE ticker. And is there a method that could get called on the re-wrap, so I could, for example, refresh the news feed? I heard you can do this in Three20 but I'm not sure of the class / implementation. Cheers! ...

How to add items to wx.ScrolledPanel?

I want to add dinamically already captured images in hierarchical structure ( one after one). I want to add them to wx.ScrolledPanel ScrolledPanel definition - updated self.hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) #self.sizer.Add(self.hbox) self.scroll = scrolled.ScrolledPanel(self, id = -1, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = (500, ...

scrolling interval in a Spark List with Tilelayout oversized while using mouse wheel after scrolling with mouseclick

I have a spark List with an item renderer and a tile layout. If I scroll by clicking with the mouse on the scroll bar and trying to scroll with the mouse wheel after that, there is a problem: The interval of the scrolling is oversized, instead of scrolling one item down (or up) the List scrolls 4 items down (or up). <s:List dataPro...

Switching jQuery UI tabs lose scrollposition in IE

The issue is not happening in Firefox, but the userbase is completely on IE. On the below page, there is a mock-up of three tabs, with their height set to a value and an overflow of auto. When you scroll to a certain position in the Tab One and switch to any other and come back, the scroll position is lost in IE (have tested only with I...

RichTextBox & Disabling Mouse Scrolling

I want to use the mouse middle button to clear a RichTextBox, but it also activates a mouse scrolling functionality similar to what you find in web broswers. When the vertical scrollbar is visible (there's enough data) and you press the middle button in the mouse a scrolling cursor appears and you can scroll up or down by moving the curs...

jquery animate scroll not working inside iframe! :S

I am making an iframe facebook application. When I had it running as a normal website this: $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+id).offset().top},'slow'); worked fine. Now it is inside the facebook iframe and the iframe is resized to fit its contents. As a result there is no longer a scroll bar on the iframe and to navigate you ...

Window scroll to DIVs

Good evening, I have been trying to figure this problem out for a while now but I cannot seem to find enough resources online for a viable solution - maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Anyway, what I am trying to do is have 6 divs that are all over the page - making the window scrollable. I intend on having a navigation bar, that is z...

How to Scroll Down in the App Inventor Blocks Editor Window?

How can you scroll down in the Blocks Editor window? It lets me scroll down a little, but not to the end of my (lengthy) code. ...

Scroll to the end (right) in wx.ScrolledPanel

I add dinamically images to wx.ScrolledPanel. I add them sizer which is inside ScrolledPanel. I want to scroll ScrollBar automatically to the end. It is possible? I've read that self.scroll.SetupScrolling(scroll_x=True, scroll_y=False, scrollToTop=False) can resolve this problem, but in my application it doesn't work. Scrolled Panel...

Java open source to capture IE screensheet of page including scrolling

Using java is there open source code to open a website in internet explorer and capture a screenshot of the the whole length of the page including scrolling. Prefferably without seeing the browser appear on the screen. Need the image as a jpg or other image format, not as html ...

Listview Scroll to the end of the list after updating the list

Hi, I would like to after I have updated by listAdapter I want to make sure that the list is scrolled all the way to the bottom so that it displays the last element entered in the list How can I do this ? I tried this but no luck lv.setTranscriptMode(ListView.TRANSCRIPT_MODE_ALWAYS_SCROLL); thank you ...

Android: Total height of ScrollView

Hi all, I have a custom ScrollView (extended android.widget.ScrollView) which I use in my layout. I want to measure the total height of the contents of this scrollview. getHeight() and getMeasuredHeight() don't give me correct values (too high numbers). Background information: I want to determine how far the user has scrolled. I use on...

Is it possible for fixed position elements to cause the body to scroll?

I think I am missing something here, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. I have a site with three columns: Menu Left (Fixed) Content Centered (Relative) Menu Right (Fixed) I would like the site to have some sort of a minimum width so that if the browser is sized smaller than the width of the menus and the cont...

How can I disable the scroll bars of a page?

how to disable the scroll bars of the page. and disable this button. ...

How can I create horizontal view scrolling like the News & Weather app?

Android News & Weather app lets you swipe to reveal another view, just like the iPhone. Can someone show me an example of how this is done? It is not a ViewFlipper attached to a GestureDetector. ...

Problem with filling control

Hello, I have problem with filling control. In first column I have stackpanel and it has 4 controls. Every ScrollViewer as DataContext has TreeView, which has Height set as Auto. When I expand nodes in my treviews it expands out of window. How can I fix it ? <Grid x:Name="MainGrid"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Colum...

how to stop scrolling gallery?

I've got a gallery (images) in a RelativeLayout and if the users click on it, three Buttons and a TextView appears. I made it with the visible-property, that means the three Buttons and the TextView are declared as invisible in the xml-file and later the onClick() of the Gallery makes it visible with setVisibility(0).That works fine, but...

Split page scrolling behaviour in HTML

So I have a page that is split into 2 columns. The left column there are expandable forms that are quite long to ask the user optional product preferences. On the right side of the page there is a much shorter, 'contact details' form. The contact details form is mandatory while all the left product preferences forms are optional. The b...

jQuery / HTML scrolling behaviour

So I have a page that is split into 2 columns. The left column there are expandable forms that are quite long to ask the user optional product preferences. On the right side of the page there is a much shorter, 'contact details' form. The contact details form is mandatory. The behaviour idea is that as the user scrolls down to complete...