
jQuery UI Selectables - Start Drag-Selecting from Outside of Objects

I am using the jQuery UI Slectable Once initialized (just like in the demo on that link). drag-selecting only works if I start holding the mouse button on top of a object. If I start drag-selecting from outside of the objects, the selecting does not work. Is there any way to enable it so the user ...

destory a function in javascript ( jquery )

hello guys is there anyone know how to destory a javascript ( jquery ) function? im using jquery "selectable" and a function call "edit" is fired on selectable "stop" event. inside this "edit" function i has nested switch functions with a lot of "click" event. and i have many functions within each "click" event. my problem is, everyt...

JQuery UI; Stop propagation of selectable events

Basically I am using jQuery ui's selectable functionality on a ul, but the ul will often times have a scrollbar, and this scrollbar becomes unusable in Webkit browsers since when you try to click on it to grab it, the lasso for the selectable functionality is drawn overtop instead. I have formulated a solution, which involves checking t...

jQuery unexpected sortable behaviour

Hi all, I'm working on a project where I can generate Word documents, one of the functionalities is to define a table of contents. I want my TOC to be a sortable jQuery list for sorting the chapters. I'm retreving the data recursivly from a MySQL table, which functions as expected. Since I found there are some strange behaviors in IE7 ...

Plugin for jQuery Text-editor style selection?

What I'm trying to achieve is to use jQuery to mimic the behavior of the text-selection functionality you see in a typical text-editor, except instead of selecting text, I want to select multiple rows of <div>s. However, so far the only "selection" plugins I've found for jQuery operate based on a rectangular lasso model. In particular, I...

Selectable text in wpf

Hi I am trying to render a WPF window that has lots of labels, textboxes, textblocks which are binding to data. I want to be able to select by mouse all the data or part of the data on the window. Is there a simple way in WPF to do that? Should I use page instead of window? Thanks ...

jQueryUI selectable: can't apply theme to selected item ("ui-selected" class)

I am developing an application using jQueryUI. I am also using the Themeroller. I want to have as many of my styles as possible defined using the theme, so that if I need to change some styles, I simply have to create a new custom theme (or download an existing theme). I am trying to use the "selectable" interaction in jQueryUI. It is w...

How do I retrieve row ID from an MVCContrib HTML Grid?

Hi, I currently have a product view page that contains an MVCContrib HTML Grid with a select link at the beginning of each row. If the select link is clicked, it takes me to a different page. My question is whether it is possible to retrieve the productID from the row that is selected and pass that to the next page. Maybe this is pos...

jQuery UI selectable won't work with anything besides '#selectable'

I am trying to use 2 instances of the jquery selector UI on my site and it won't seem to work with anything besides '#selectable' as the ordered list id. Here is my code.. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#selectable").selectable(); }); </script> <ol id="selectable"> <li class="...

jQuery selectable() elements update values

Basically what I'm trying to do is update the value attribute of a hidden input field contained within the selected element when the selectable() UI stops running. If the element is selected, then the input's value should be the name attribute of that particular LI, whereas if the element is not selected, the value should be updated as ...

Jquery ui selectable cannot load xml

Hello all, I'm trying to load XML file after a selectable is clicked. Everything goes fine except it never executes any codes within $('occupancy',theXML).each(function(i) { alert("never executes"); }); Can someone please advise me? Here is the rest of the code: $("#selectable").selectable({ selected: function(){ ...

jquery ui selectable get id?

how to get 'id' of item in selectable list, if the list is created dynamically? <ul id="selectable"> <li id='1'>..</li> . . <li... </ul> I tried var num = $('#selecable :selected').attr( "option" , 'id' ); but get only [object Object]... what is the right way? ...

Select Text In Android

Is it Possible to Display some text say a story, in an ANDROID app which also enables the user to select some text and perform some operations on that text.. the main idea is to display some text and when the user selects some text(a word or a sentence) i need to get that text for some further operation on that text. we cant use text v...

Display a page's elements as selectable (HTML/PHP)

Hello :) I am looking for a way to make all visible objects in a webpage selectable by a visitor. For example, I take google's homepage as source, my php script already gets the homepage, and stores everything in an array. Now I want to show the google homepage with every object (span, div, body, td etc...) selectable. My visitor wil...

Can selectable jquery ui be forced to select in order

I want to use jQuery's (or something similar) selectable functionality: However, I would like to be able to force selections. For example, for the grid, if a user starts at 1 and drags to item 6 only 1,2,5, and 6 are selected. However, I want 3 and 4 to be selected because they are...

jQuery combine selectable and draggable? Or in any other JS library?

I've seen these questions here before, but, I can not find any good answers. Is there a way to combine selectable and draggable? I don't want to drag the elements themselves, I just want functions like the ones in Apple's MobileMe, you know, red dot follows the mouse, it can be dropped onto another folder. If this doesn't exist in jQu...

GWT Selectable Grid

Does anyone know of a good selectable grid for gwt google web toolkit? I need this functionality ported over for my application. Just for example I would like it work similar to pfselect for the jquery library. Thanks, ...

what type of event is control-click in gwt

What is the event type for the control click in a table cell in a GWT application? I want to basically change the color of the background when the user does this action. This part of my code basically just looks like: public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { Element td = getEventTargetCell(event); if (td == null) ret...

jQuery selectable with context menu

Hey guys, I just installed jQuery UI and got its selectable working with a simple table and its rows. To add a bit more functionality I added a context menu using this context menu plugin. If I use every element on its own, it works. But if I add the selectable and the context menu to the same elements in my DOM only the context menu ...

jQuery UI Selectable - unselect selected item on click

Hi, Does anyone know if there's a way to configure a jquery ui selectable element to unselect the selected element when you click it? Sort of like a toggle. If it's already selected, unselect it, otherwise do the default behavior. Thanks. ...