
How to avoid thousands of needless ListView.SelectedIndexChanged events?

If a user select all items in a .NET 2.0 ListView, the ListView will fire a SelectedIndexChanged event for every item; rather than firing an event to indicate that the selection has changed If the user then clicks to select just one item in the list, the ListView will fire a SelectedIndexChanged event for every item that is getting unse...

Best way to simulate 'SelectedIndexChanged' for ASP.NET DropDownList control with ViewState disabled

I've found many posts where people try to work around the problem of SelectedIndexChanged not working when EnableViewState='false'. Im a little confused why control state doesnt kick in and allow it to work, but thats bonus points if anyone can explain that too. Some of the 'hacks' are pretty 'hacky'. Like setting a value on the views...

DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChange to 0th index w/out ViewState

I did follow the article TRULLY Understanding ViewState (great article btw) and populating my drop down list is working great. I've even setup a OnSelectedIndexChange event which fires almost as great. The problem I've found is the SelectedIndexChanged event won't fire when selecting the 0th index. It does all other times however. ...

ASP.NET / C#: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged in server control not firing

I'm creating a server control that basically binds two dropdown lists, one for country and one for state, and updates the state dropdown on the country's selectedindexchanged event. However, it's not posting back. Any ideas why? Bonus points for wrapping them in an UpdatePanel (having rendering issues; maybe because I don't have a Page t...

Fire ListView.SelectedIndexChanged Event Programmatically?

How can one programmatically fire the SelectedIndexChanged event of a ListView? I've intended for the first item in my ListView to automatically become selected after the user completes a certain action. Code already exists within the SelectedIndexChanged event to highlight the selected item. Not only does the item fail to become hig...

When I click a button on the code never reaches it's onclick event.

I have a dropdownlist and a textbox with a button on a form. When a button is clicked it does not go to my onclick even in the code but it goes to my dropdownlist's selectedIndexchanged event. How can I fix this? ... listbox problem

Hi, foreach (Book b in o.list) { ListBox_Items.Items.Add(b.Title); } After I do this, the titles are now showing up in the listbox. When I make a selection (Single Mode), ListBox_Items (Screen) is highlighting the row selected, but event SelectedIndexChanged is not triggering. protected void ListBox_Items_SelectedIndexChanged(obje...

How do I Change comboBox.Text inside a comboBox.SelectedIndexChanged event?

Code example: private void comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(some condition) { comboBox.Text = "new string" } } My problem is that the comboBox text always shows the selected index's string value and not the new string. Is the a way round this? ... list of dropdownlists - similar to Access continuous form

Hi there, What I'm looking for is a way to mimic the MS-Access style continuous form within In one particular case, I want a control, bound to a datasource which returns a dropdownlist for each row, bound to the value within the datasource. Any change to any of the dropdownlists' would perform an update to the database insta...

ASP.NET / C#: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged event not firing

My selectedindexchanged event is not firing when I select values in my dropdown lists. These dropdown lists are implemented dynamically in the following code. I have tried changing autopostback and enableviewstate settings to no avail. I am using a static panel. Does anyone see how I can cause the selectedindexchanged event to fire? ...

Firing DropDownList SelectedindexChanged after binding list?

I am creating a control that loads three related dropdownlists at runtime, and all three bind their data from a database. when the first list changes value, the 2nd one should rebind based on that value, by default selecting the first item. However, as a result, the third list should ALSO rebind based on the selected first value of the 2...

c#, The same binding source for ListBox and TextBox, SelectedIndexChanged

Hi! On Form I have single select ListBox Control in which I'm displaying list of application users name and set of textboxes for displaying other selected users values. I do databinding to listbox and textboxes with the same biding source: usersListBox.DataSource = null; usersListBox.DataSource = usersBindingSource; ...

C# combobox selected index changed fires old value

Hi, I have a situation when I want to change the selected value of a combo box in a windows forms application by using Ctrl-Left ori Ctrl-Right. However if the combobox is the selected control on the form this does not work. The selected value is set to the old value after it is set to the new value. If the combobox is not the selected ...

Alternatives to SelectedIndexChanged that don't fire on form load?

I'm developing in VB.NET with Visual Studio 2005. I have a ComboBox (myCombo) on a form that gets populated within the Load method. I also have handled myCombo.SelectedIndexChanged to change a label on the form. Edit: The way I added the event handler was by double-clicking on the combo box on the designer. Skeleton code then came up...

DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged event not firing within GridView HeaderTemplate

Good morning, I am having a very annoying problem; my situation is that I am working on a job board website and specifically the job search page at the moment. I am returning the jobs found into a DataBound GridView (namely gvwJobs), and within the HeaderTemplate I have a DropDownList named ddlSortDirection which specifies the direction...

ASP.NET Dropdown List in Codebehind vs in ASPX page

I am generating a dropdown list in codebehind and cannot get the selectedindexchanged event to fire automatically. It works fine when put directly into the ASPX page, but I need it to be in the codebehind. This doesn't work - var deptList = new DropDownList { ...

Databound controls "flashing" as they are refreshed

It's a small thing but I was just wondering... Visual Studio 2008, C#. I have a master-detail form with databound controls. When user selects the record in a listbox, all the details are updated in multiple databound controls on the form. As it happens, they kind of 'flash', or blink, when repopulated with new data and it's sort of li...

Asp.NET dropdownlist in usercontrol not firing SelectedIndexChanged event

Asp.Net 2.0 framewrok - VB.Net application I have a UserControl containing a Asp.Net DropDownList. Things already researched and \ or tried: The control gets bound to data on page load inside if not Page.IsPostBack (only loads once) ID proprety is set for control (ID = ddlMyControl) AutoPostBack is set to true EnableViewState on the ...

Why selected index fires only once the Index of the ListItem is changed?

Consider a asp:dropdownlist which fires SelectedIndexChangedEvent based on listitem index..... But why the event doesn't fire for the same listitem index when selected again.... ...

Combobox selectedindex changed event is getting invoked even when index is not changed

I have few items in combobox, i am selecting one item in that, selectindexchanged event is getting invoked. Then i am clicking on it and selecting the same item ( index is not getting changed) , but still selectedindexchanged event is getting invoked. Do we have any ways to avoid this? C# .Net ( WinForms) ...