
Customized SelectOneMenu Component in JSF

Hii All, I want to create a component which is a SelectOneMenu component, but when I want to add something to it the 1st place of list will become a inputText, where I can write the item that I want to include in the list. Please can anyone help me out? ...

How can I get values out of a selectOneMenu inside a JSF datatable?

Hi, I have a JSF datatable with a bunch of rows, with each row having a selectOneMenu inside of it like this: <h:form <h:dataTable id="myTable" binding="#{myBean.dataTable}" value="#{myBean.dataTableRows}" var="row" first="0" rows="0" dir="LTR" frame="hsides" rules="all"> <h:column> ...

Accessing JSF SelectItem.Label and Value from XHTML without selectOneMenu

Hi, I'm struggling with a little internationalization issue in one of my apps. The story goes like this: I have a datatable which displays records, and a selectOneMenu in order to select a column of the dataTable to be filtered for. The selectOne is fed with SelectItems which are filled according to the actual locale in the backing be...

How to change the list in a SelectOneMenu, if the value is changed in another?

Hey, I want to change the SelectItem[] array in the second SelectOneMenu, if the value is changed in the first one. Is that possible? Thanks in advance! ...

JSF selectOneMenu selectItem always null

Hi, I'm trying to implement a JSF selectOneMenu item with a backing bean holding the selection. The problem is that the selectedItem is always null. Here is the code: .xhtml: <h:selectOneMenu value="#{componentFilterBean.selectedItem}"> <f:selectItems value="#{componentFilterBean.projects}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> ...

Facelet selectOneMenu with POJOs and converter problem

Hi, I want to have a facelet page with a formular and a dropdown menu. With the dropdown menu the user shoul select a POJO of the type Lieferant: public class Lieferant extends AbstractPersistentWarenwirtschaftsObject { private String firma; public Lieferant(WarenwirtschaftDatabaseLayer database, String firma) { this...

how to settle JSF combobox with values depending on another combobox if both are set to required

Hi, everybody! Can anyone tell me how to automatically set <h:selectOneMenu> (or any other component) with values depending on another <h:selectOneMenu> if there empty elements with 'required' set to 'true' on the form? If to set <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="anotherElement" immediate="true"/> then nothing is changed because ch...

SelectOneMenu + CommmandButton

Hi I have the follonwing selectOneMenu <h:selectOneMenu value="#{modelsController.selected.idBrands}"> <f:selectItems value="{brandsController.itemsAvailableSelectOne}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> <br/> which is populated with all available brands in the bean. And I would like to create a button that retrives the brand ...

a4j:support calling selectonemenu thrice

Hi All, I've a problem when i select option in selectonemenu it should populate the information next selectonemenu but the thing when i use a4j support it is calling second selectonemenu thrice using this code plz any one suggest me <h:form><h:selectOneMenu value="#{testBean.item}" validator="#{testBean.checkItem}"><f:selectItems va...

h:selectOneMenu default value issue when put it in h:dataTable

Hi guys, i have a problem with h:selectOneMenu. If i put it in h:dataTable i'm unable to set the default value. This is the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""&gt; <ui:component xmlns="" xmlns:ui="

Setting list items in ice:SelectOneMenu

Hi!! I wish to set items from a list to the selectonemenu in icefaces. But when I do the same I get the following error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.SelectItem The is an entity class. Please Help. ...