
How do I remove descendant elements from a jQuery wrapped set?

I'm a little confused about which jQuery method and/or selectors to use when trying to select an element, and then remove certain descendant elements from the wrapped set. For example, given the following HTML: <div id="article"> <div id="inset"> <ul> <li>This is bullet point #1.</li> <li>This is bullet point #2.</li>...

Using jQuery :contains selector

Hello there, I have a div with id kGrowl and inside that div I have another div that has a select element with name = mover. I try to use this selector: $('#kGrowl:contains([name=mover])').length But it is currently returning 0. How is my selector wrong? Thanks. Edit: Gabriel's answer is best but I also realized its the :has attrib...

CSS being ignored in IE & FFox but not Chrome

Hi, i am styling a navigation menu using the following css. I have found that it works perfectly in chrome but absolutely none of the css is beign applied in firefox or IE. Is there something obvious that i havent done or have done here? <style type="text/css"> #ddm { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #d...

Is there a selector or a work around to select any element with no children.

Looking at the CSS3 specs, I can't find any way to select any element that has no children. Let me explain. <body> <h1>Main Page</h1> <div id="main"> <div class="post"> <h2>Article 1</h1> <p>some text</p> </div> <div class="post"> <h2>Article 2</h1> <p>some text</p> </div> </div> </body> I'm looking for a CSS s...

jquery - Select no children

given the html: <div> <span class="a">a <span class="b">b</span> </span> <div> Is it possible to just select the first span and not it's children? Calling $('div span.a').text() prints the 'b' in the child node as well as the 'a' ...

Determining whether jQuery has not found any element

Hi, I'm using jQuery's selectors, especially id selector: $("#elementId")... How should I determine whether jQuery has found the element or not? Even If the element with the specified id doesn't exist the next statement give me: [object Object] alert($("#idThatDoesnotexist")); ...

Cufon selector problems

Hello StackOverflow. I am using Cufon ( to replace some text in a menu. Problem is that I only need to style the first <li> of the first <ul>. I have tried using: Cufon.replace('#menu ul li > a', { fontFamily: 'Christopherhand', hover: { color: '#99c635'}}); With the > seperator, but it does not...

Objective C selector memory managment (does this leak memory)?

- (IBAction) someButtonCall { if(!someCondition) { someButtonCallBack = @selector(someButtonCall); [self presentModalViewController:someController animated:YES]; } else ... } //Called from someController - (void) someControllerFinished:(BOOL) ok { [self dismissModalViewControllerAnima...

JQuery: combine two jq selectors

Hi there. Im sure the solution is simple but I cant figure it out :( I need to combine two jquery selectors in one selector: $(this) + $('input[type=text]:first') $(this) is e.g div#selected so the result should be: $('div#selected input[type=text]:first').focus(); How to do? ...

Why doesn't $("#RadioButtons:checked").val() work in IE?

Why doesn't $("#RadioButtons:checked").val() - id selector - work in Internet Explorer but $("input:radio[name='RadioButtons']:checked").val() - name selector - does? <input name="RadioButtons" id="RadioButtons" type="radio" value="1" checked> <input name="RadioButtons" id="RadioButtons" type="radio" value="2"> <script> alert($("#Rad...

Find if id of a link equals id of parent container

Hi guys needing a bit of help. I am creating a one page personal site. Each section has a menu in it to jump to another section, however i want to have a class added to menu for the current section: i.e. if you are in about the about link would have a class 'current'. This is how it looks. <section id="about"> <nav> <li><a href=...

HTML/Javascript: Selecting uncles/aunts

So I have some code, <div class="chunk" id=""> <div class="chunkContent"> <div class="textLeft" ></div> <div class="textRight" ></div> <div class="notes border">Notes...</div> </div> <div class="tools fl"> <div class="toggleNotes border">n</div> <div class="addChunk border">+</div> ...

noob with unrecognized selector woes

I'm puzzled... I have this function "colorWithHexString"... when I include it in the viewcontroller that's calling it then it works fine. But when I move it to a separate "BSJax" class and call it with the same input parameter it throws an unrecognized selector error. Here's the call: BSjax *bsjax = [BSjax new]; NSString *hexString = ...

objective c - delegate and events

Hello all, I am looking for good example code for using delegate and events in objective c? i am familiar with delegate and events in C#. so if someone can help me with few lines of code it will be very helpful. ...

how can i get all inputs excluding buttons and hidden fields with jquery?

I've got the following which will excludes all buttons, but how can I also exclude hidden fields? $("#selector").find(":input:not(:button)").each(function (i) { // do something I'm sure this is probably simple, I just can't find it. Many thanks! ...

callbacks via objective-c selectors

I have a "BSjax" class that I wrote that lets me make async calls to our server to get json result sets, etc using the ASIHTTPRequest class. I set it up so that the BSjax class parses my server's json response, then passes control back to the calling view controller via this call: [[self delegate] performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(...

Searching for Nodes with Specific Text using the Prototype Javascript Framework

Does the Prototype Javascript library have a selector that's equivalent to jQuery's :contains()? If not, what would what be "The Prototype Way" to selector/filter-down a list of elements that contains a particular string. For example, using the following $$('#some_div dd a') I may get back an array of 50 or so links. I only want th...

JQuery selectors select from an html object other than from document root?

jQuery selectors select from the document. How do I select from somewhere else other than root? Say I want to select some children from an html object. For this function dothis(obj) { $j("#tabs").removeClass(); $j("#tabs>ul").removeClass(); $j("#tabs>ul>li>a").each(function() { var tabNum = $j(this).attr("h...

jquery selector

Hi, I was wondering how I could use JQuery to select the child of a parent? I have the following. $("#navigation a.subpage").click(function () { $("#navigation ul ul")... The HTML looks like this. <li> <a class="subpage"...</a> <ul style="hidden">...</ul> </li> I need to somehow select the parents of the link. That would ge...

jQuery Select All Elements That Have a Title

I need to apply a tooltip plugin to a bunch of different elements on my page. The only common property to work with a jQuery selector is that they all have a title property set. I tried $('[title=*]') as a selector but this didnt work. ...