
Catching SENS Events in .NET, no Guid Attributes

I'm following this article to registering SENS events via COM, but I think I'm missing something. I'm calling the SubscribeToEvents method the article says to write, like this: EventSystemRegistrar.SubscribeToEvents("ManagedSENS EventSubscriber", "ManagedSENS.SensLogonInterop", subscriptionViewerID, this, typeof(SensLogon)); which lea...

Detecting log-ins with SENS

I have a .Net service that uses SENS to detect when a user logs on or off. I'm having two problems, though: Even though the service seems to be starting automatically, if there is only one user on the computer and that user doesn't have a password (meaning windows will start right away), the log-in doesn't seem to be getting detected. ...

Will Windows wait for my service on startup?

I've written a service that is to be started automatically. It does some initialization stuff in its OnStart method, including setting up SENS watchers for who logs in. Will Windows wait until my OnStart method is complete before it allows uers to log in, or is it possible that such a login could happen before my watchers are set up, if...