
Ordering your title tags

I haven't found this question, feel free to close if it's already up here. What is you favorite way to set your titles in HTML? <h1> Main Part </h1> <h2> In here there are many sections</h2> <div id="section1"> <h1> Section 1 </h1> <h2> Subtitle </h2> </div> <div id="section2"> <h1> Section 2 </h1> <h2> Subtitle </h2> </div> ...

Flash back button support

Does anyone know if there's a Flash (ActionScript) library for providing back button support? The GotMilk site does this. I was hoping there's a Flash library for this so I can provide and train a customer of mine to utilize this technique to build a whole site in flash. ...

Is there a pattern to define subdomain names for multilanguage websites?

I got a multilanguage website. I will have a lot of subdomain names, something like this:,, Each one needs to be a multilanguage website, but for SEO reasons, which is the best/simple/clear method to define a subdomain/domain structure? en = english version 1) e...

How to create SEO friendly paging (in style) using ASP.Net 2.0(C#)?

Hi, I have created a style pagination for my ASP.Net 2.0 (with C#) website's gridview control using this article: In order to achieve style, the author of the above mentioned article has customized gridview control and created a C# control named as Grid...

What are the common sense SEO practices that aren't dodgy or crap?

PREFACE: If this question is redundant feel free to delete/close whatever. Based off of what I've seen on SO I don't think it is but it could be that questions of this nature get closed. I hate SEO. At best it's lame, at worst it's a scam. However when designing sites that need to be consumed by the public, it's something to take into ...

SEO Paging Question

Hi hopefully a quick and simple question with a quick and simple answer! Which of the following would be better for SEO purposes /news?pg=2 or /news/2/ Does the second one dilute the page rank by being an extra folder level in? Does then outweigh the fact that the pg reference is in the querystring and therefore not a 'page' in itse...

Reasons to discourage "here" links in web pages

I know that using "here" for a link's text is considered bad, but if I want to persuade business- or architect-type people, what are the best arguments to use? I know it can have some effect on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but can anyone explain this and any other reasons in more detail? An example: The StackOverflow site can b...

Help with 301 redirects on outgoing links from my site

I work for company that links out to partners through a third party website that tracks them. So for example on our site there will be an outgoing link something like this (names changed to protect my work): <a href="link.php?link=chuckecheese">check it out kids!</a> if you go into link.php, you see I define the link there: $outlink...

Combining ClickThrough and SEO

Has anyone perform a research on the effect of using redirects to SEO? My situation: I have a link, say <a href="click.htm?id=1"></a>, the target page will record a clickthrough through server-side code and send a redirect response for the original URL to the user agent. How does this may affect SEO? In contrast, Google search result ...

How to generate and maintain lots of Landing Pages?

Hi! Currently I have to think of a solution for generating and maintaining lots of static landing pages for a membership-only e-commerce site (e.g. we sell products X, Y and Z but only to our members and we want to make a (SEO-friendly) landing pages for each product). Each page would be almost unique in content and the meta data but th...

Routing Rule for ASP.NET Products Website

I am building a product catalog for a customer website under ASP.NET using .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Each product has a part number and an OEM part number (all globally unique). For SEO purposes I would like the OEM part number to be as close as possible to the actual domain name. How do I build a routing rule that allows me to do this:...

How Google is using HTML tags to enhance the search engine?

I knew that Google’s search algorithm is mainly based on pagerank. However, it also does analyse and use the structure of the document H1, H2, title and other HTML tags to enhance the search results. My question is: What is the name of this technique "using the document structure to enhance the search results"? And are there any acad...

Duplicate content and keyword in URL

I observed that StackOverflow uses two types of links: and for the same question. The idea is clear: add keywords into URL and have SE pick up the page faster. But shouldn't Google punish for the duplicate content in this case? I'm tryin...

Search Engine Optimisation and multiple sub-domains per html page

Hi, We are looking for some tips over a performance and search engine optimisation (SEO) technique. For our clients, we would like to place all of their page images in a sub domain in order to have a better browser related performance. For example by replacing: <img src=”/images/foobar.jpg” /> By <img src=”http://images.domain.c...

do search engines read <!-- --> and is it detremental to search results

as the title asks ...

SEO and queries

Hi, Just wondering, if you have a website, in which one you can make queries to get a SERP (say, how will be possible say to a Search engine (say google) that should look for a keyword into your own search engine. Example: Somebody looks for "code golfs" in google, as "code" is one of the Keyw...

Are AJAX sites crawlable by search engines?

I had always assumed that AJAX-driven content was invisible to search engines. (i.e. content inserted into the DOM via XMLHTTPRequest) For example, in this site, the main content is loaded via AJAX request by the browser: ...if you view this page with Javascript disabled, the main content a...

Can Search Engines Read CSS?

I used tag to indicate the importance of a sentence. However, it disrupted the consistency of the page style. So I change it back with CSS. The result is that to visitors it is the same but to search engines(SEs), obviously, different. And this is what SEs are annoying about. So my question is can SEs read CSS, and further judge the w...

How SEO friendly is Unicode URL?

As the title says, how SEO friendly is a URL containing Unicode characters. Edit: To clarify, I meant URL with non-ASCII characters but valid Unicode. ...

Restrict robot access for (specific) query string (parameter) values?

Using robot.txt is it possible to restrict robot access for (specific) query string (parameter) values? ie #allow #allow #disallow ...