
Check if javascript is enabled in browser

I have this code which checks if js is enabled and redirects: <noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="&gt;&lt;/noscript&gt; However, I wonder if this is SE friendly... This because I have added my website url to yahoo recently, and instead of the title appearing in the search results, the tex...

How to do Search Engine Optimization for Web Applications

I am currently developing a single-page web application that is focused on functionality. It doesn't really have or need long paragraphs of text, and those that are there are loaded dynamically via javascript and AJAX. Normally search engine optimization tips revolve around getting the right word count percentages, etc. But what are th...

What are the SEO benefits of using Youtube on your website?

Looking to find a solid list of SEO benefits to using YouTube videos on my site vs. anything else? Clearly YouTube is owned by Google so that is a plus. YouTube is also a huge search engine in and of itself. Will using YouTube videos along with my content help my rankings/traffic? ...

Is it good to start a website with keyword very popular or not so popular?

I am planning to launch a website. However, it is still undecided as there are many keywords on google to begin with. My question is whether it is good to be a part of well established keyword with millions of search result already OR would it be good to be part of keyword who have search result less than 100 or none. Thanks and regard...

Is it possible to force Facebook Likes to follow 301 redirects

We have a large number of old Urls with FB likes that redirect (301) to new Urls. Is there a way to get FB to recognize the 301s and migrate or move the likes to the new Url? ...

Kohana v3 routes - multiple optional parameters

I'm setting up a search system which has urls eg. all parameters are optional and there are 15 possible params in total Is there a better way to set up the route than this? Route::set('search', 'search(/<param1>(/<param2>(/<param3>(/<param4>(/<param5>(...

How to use jQuery in Google Sitemaps and is it allowed.

How do I use jQuery in a Google Sitemap and most importantly does it violate the specifications rules or will it be blocked by Google because of the jQuery? ...

How do I get google to display my link as NOT

Currently google shows my site link as... ...however, I would like it to be displayed as... I do have the following meta data <link rel="canonical" href="" /> ...and the following is my htaccess file... IndexIgnore * ErrorDocument 400 /error ErrorDocument 401 /error ErrorDocument ... MVC custom routing with SEO

routes.MapRoute( "Route", "{id}/{*seostuff}", new {controller = "Home", action="Index", seo = UrlParameter.Optional}); that will allow you to map urls such as Here is the original post

How to making ajax content crawlable by search engines

I have a website that paginate result via jquery.ajax(). URLs looks like: I've googled and found some posts talking about it... so what i've understood is that i need to replace the "?" with "#!". It's that enought? Besides, should i include in the sitemap a link for each page? (prior...

MVC customised URL routing

we want to short the down the url in mvc this is what it looks like and we are interested in On the webpage we have 4 testboxes for this all 4 parameters In the controller we have a method which accepts 4 parameters which are origin,destination,date,time S...

How to make Urls in Rails seofriendly

How can i realize seo friendly urls? Instead i would like to use the articlename instead the id i.e. or somehow combine id and articlename like this i'm a rails newbie so perhaps you could give me short advice where ...

Google SEO indexing of the url

Say if i have , will google index or or both ...

SEO neutral way to redirect human users to confirmation dialog ?

A web site I'm working on sells vehicles to business entities only. Consequently, it displays data aimed at business customers (prices without Value Added Tax, warranty limitations, etc.). In Germany, showing this kind of data to private end-users can be punished as misleading advertising. One way around that is to show a dialog when t...

SEO: Multiple languages

Okay, I know this question have been asked plenty of times already, but I haven't found any actual answer. Considering SEO, what is the best way to construct the URL for multiple languages? One top-level domain for each language would feel unnecessary, so I'm thinking about different subdomains or sub-folders. And in that case, which wo...

How can i keep log of every bots (google, yahoo etc) visit to my website

How can I keep record/log of every bot's visit to my website. I want to know how frequently crawlers are crawling my website and which pages are being indexed or crawled. Is there any php script which i can use to know the visits of google, yahoo and other bots. ...

When deploying a blog, is it best to use a subdomain or a subfolder (SEO Benefits)?

I know this is a common question, and there are resources on the internet about this topic, but I wanted to here from this community everyone's thoughts on subdomain vs subfolder when deploying a blog (SEO Benefits). Thanks. ...

Why google index this ?

In this webpage: there is this image: Why this image is indexed if in the robots.txt there is "Disallow: /sites/" ?? You can see that is ...

Is it good idea to use URL names with special characters?

Is it good SEO to have URL's (page names) with non-english characters like Chinese names in URL's? ...

Newbie Intelligencia.UrlRewriter expression question. (ASP.NET)

Hey guys! I need help with something that should be relatively simple. Got the component installed in my project fine and added all of the necessary config entries. I need to rewrite URLs following two rules (for canonilization/SEO purposes): 1 - all URLs that don't have "www" need to be rewritten to include it. Example: user ty...