
Are there any design patterns for handling serial port communications?

We are working with some new Cutting Tools that can have it's hardware parameters altered through the serial port instead of just a control panel. When the hardware parameters are altered the hardware will take a few seconds to reconfigure itself and then signal that it is ready to be used. Our setup before this involved the operator ...

error detection/correction/recovery in serial protocols

I have some designing to do for a serial protocol and am running into some questions that I figure must have been considered elsewhere. So I'm wondering if there are some recommendations for best practices in designing serial protocols. (Please either state a fact that is easily verifiable, or cite a reputable source if you make a claim...

API/OS support for "9-bit" serial communication

Does java's javax.comm library support "9-bit" serial communication? (use of parity bit or "address bit" as an out-of-band signaling mechanism for framing information) Does the win32 communications API support it? I'm guessing the answer is no on both counts, but figured someone has more experience with this than me. ...

Serial Port Access Control Problem - Multi-user access to single port resources on embedded platforms

So here is an interesting question. When you have an embedded device with multiple communications ports, and potentially multiple tasks, each with their own protocols, needing to access these ports at the same time, how do you manage control and access to the port resources? I am running an embedded OS (FreeRTOS to be precise) so I hav...

Serial Data Not Transmitted in C# Application

Hello. I have a C# application wherein serial (COM1) data appears to sometimes not get transmitted. Following is a simplified snippet of my code (calls to textBox writes have been removed): InitializeComponent() { // // serialPort1 // this.serialPort1.BaudRate = 115200; this.serialPort1.Dis...

Checking COM Port Availability in C#

Hello. My C# application populates a comboBox with the COM ports found on the system. I would like the mark the COM ports that are in use as such. I know that I can use try / catch blocks to attempt to open every COM port, but I was wondering if there is a more graceful way to do this. Perhaps using a WMI query? I am using Microsoft...