
SerialPort not taking input. It throws it back at me!

When I try to write an AT command to my GSM modem, it does not seem to take the command. I have used PuTTY to check that the command words, it does. I have checked to see if the port is opening, it does. What could I possibly be doing wrong? NOTE: The "lol" part is for debugging purposes. ;3 SerialPort sp = new S...

Communication with HyperTerminal [ QT and WINApi ]

Hi! I write program to communicate with modem (it useing Hayes commands) and this is working. GUI is programmed with QT, but communication with COM port is write with winapi library. I have problem when I want to send with my program message from one computer to another, i can't send Polish chars (they are repleaced by '?'), how can I fi...

controling individual pins on a serial port

I know that serial ports work by sending a single stream of bits in serial. I can write programs to send and receive data from that one pin. However, there are a lot more other pins on the serial port connection that normal aren't used but from documentation all seem to have some sort of function for signalling as opposed to data transf...

Reading from serial port with Boost Asio?

Hi! I'm going to check for incoming messages (data packages) on the serial port, using Boost Asio. Each message will start with a header that is one byte long, and will specify which type of the message has been sent. Each different type of message has an own length. The function I'm about to write should check for new incoming messages ...

Sending an integer to COM1 using SerialPort

I'm having difficulty sending an integer to a serial port... I'm trying stuff like this, which run fine but I'm not picking anything up at the port. Private Sub fireToPort() Dim sPort As New SerialPort("COM1", 56000, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One) sPort.Open() sPort.Write(New Byte() {Hex(1), 255}, 0, 0) sPort.Close() End ...

iPhone Port Selection - blocked?

Ok this might sound like a dumb question. Does the iPhone SDK use different ports for different actions? Like port 80 for webkit and port 25 for mail? The problem I'm having is that I can view all my content of my app in my own WLAN, but the content from MPMoviePlayer isn't working in a different WLAN environment, although the other par...

GPIB connection to external device using MATLAB

Is there a way to establish a GPIB connection using MATLAB without the instrument control Tool box? (I don't have it). Also is there a way for MATLAB to know what the external device's RS232 parameter values are ( Baud rate, stop bit etc..). For the RS232 connection I have the following code: % This function is meant to send commands to...

Will SerialPort DataReceived Event trigger repeatedly?

Suppose I read data from SerialPort whenever there is 100 bytes available or else nothing is done. That means, the remaining data will still be available in the SerialPort Buffer. This reading is done inside the event handler of DataReceived. Now suppose a situation arises, when there there is, say 50 bytes in the SerilaPort Buffer and ...

Monitor a COM port already in use.

Is it possible to read from a COM port already in use on Windows XP? I would like to see the communication between some software and a device plugged into a serial device. I wrote a small program using C# to monitor the COM, but once it's in use by the other device it will not let you open it again. How can one monitor a COM port already...

whats wrong with the following code

Hi i am trying to send sms to my mobile using java.When I run the application I am getting the the follwing error. package HelloWorld; import*; import java.util.BitSet; import javax.comm.*; import java.lang.*; public class SerialToGsm { InputStream in; OutputStream out; String lastIndexRead; String senderNum; ...

Binary to Ascii and back again

I'm trying to interface with a hardware device via the serial port. When I use software like Portmon to see the messages they look like this: 42 21 21 21 21 41 45 21 26 21 29 21 26 59 5F 41 30 21 2B 21 27 42 21 21 21 21 41 47 21 27 21 28 21 27 59 5D 41 32 21 2A 21 28 When I run them thru a hex to ascii converter the commands don't m...

how can udp data can passed through RS232 in ansi c?

i want to transmit and receive data on RS232 using udp and i want to know about techniques which allow me to transmit and receive data on a faster rate and also no lose of data is there? thanx in advance. i have tried but need improvements if possible #include <stdio.h> #include <dos.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #includ...

Moving a Java JAR file to a new machine

I have a Java program that connects to com ports when it's running. All I have is a .JAR file. I recently attempted to move this from a machine that the program runs on to another machine. I know the serial devices work on the new machine because I can interact with them thru a program called Putty. When I execute the .JAR file it comes ...

Linux: Timing during recording/playing sound

Hi, I have a more general question, regarding timing in a standard Linux-OS dealing with playing sound and receiving data over a serial port. In the moment, I'm reading a PCM-Signal arriving over a USB-to-Serial Bridge (pl2303) which is recorded, encoded and sent from a FPGA. Now, I need to create "peaks" at a known position in the re...

Looking for best practise for writing a serial device communication app

I am pretty new to serial comms, but would like advise on how to best achieve a robust application which speak to and listens to a serial device. I have managed to make use of System.IO.SerialPort, and successfully connected to, sent data to and recieved from my device. The way things work is this. My application connects to the Com Po...

serial port in C

I have written a program in C to send a byte to serial port (com). I have used BIOSCOM to send data but I guess that it doesn't open the port. Please tell how I can open and close a com port in C. My code is here: #define COM1 1; bioscom (1 , 65 , COM1); Please help me... ...

Problem with sending out variable to serial port using api JAVA

We are developing a java program for school. But we are experiencing problems with sending out a variable created by 3 sliders. The idea is that we have 3 sliders. One slider for every color. Red green and blue. The variable has to have a value between 0 and 255. Everytime the value of the slider changes is has to send a variable for th...

ask help: I need to create a demo application in Java to test my new designed Java Api

how to do that? ...

does ansi c allows serial communication on rs232 null modem?

does ansi c allows serial communication on rs232 null modem? if yes then any one give me example? thanx in advance ...

How to open a serial port by friendly name?

friendly name = the name that appears in "Device Manager" under "Ports (COM & LPT). EDIT: two solutions provided below. One with WMI and another with SetupAPI. ...