
Fast Read/Write of Complex .Net Object Graph

Hi, I have my own data structure written in C# (the structure is quite complex). I need to serialize and deserialize the structure. The size of the serialized file in disk can be pretty large at times (close to a 1 GB) but it can be small also (based on the number of records stored). I have the following requirements: The serializatio...

Version Tolerant Serialization - How to find AssemblyName of the original

In .NET 2.0 (and upwards, I presume), Version Tolerant Serialization will succesfully deserialize a serialized object from an older version of the assembly in which the object resides. When I open such a binary formatted serialized stream using a hex viewer (a simple drag'ndrop into VS will do) I can see there's assembly information con...

Serialization and Deserialization into an XML file, C#

I have the following code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace ConsoleApplication28 { class Program { static void Main() { List<string> dirs = FileHelper.GetFilesRecursive(@"c:\Documents and Settings\bob.smith\Desktop\Test"); foreach...

c# DataContractJsonSerializer excluding fields at runtime

Is it possible to exclude specified fields at runtime when serializing an object to a JSON string? i.e. When serializing an object, only serialize fields specified in list. ...

Is it possible to expose a DateTime field through COM?

Hi, it looks like that I am not able to expose via COM a class to an unmanaged client if one of the property of the class has type DateTime . Example: [ComVisible(true)] public interface ITest { string Name { get; } DateTime Date { get; } } [Serializable] [ComVisible(true)] public class Test : ITest { public string Name { g...

Implementing IXmlSerializable for Classes Containing Collections

I need to be able to Xml Serialize a class which is internal, so I must implement IXmlSerializable. This class has a two strings and a List in it. I know to read and write the strings using WriteElementString & ReadElementContentAsString. However, I'm lost on how to read & write the List in the ReadXml & WriteXml methods. How do I do...

How to get string Objects instead Unicode ones from JSON in Python?

I'm using Python (Python 2.5.2 on Ubuntu 8.10) to parse JSON from (ASCII encoded) text files. When loading these files with json (simplejson), all my string values are cast to Unicode objects instead of string objects. The problem is, I have to use the data with some libraries that only accept string objects. Is it possible to get stri...

C# - Serializing/Deserializing a DES encrypted file from a stream

Does anyone have any examples of how to encrypt serialized data to a file and then read it back using DES? I've written some code already that isn't working, but I'd rather see a fresh attempt instead of pursuing my code. EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention I need an example using XmlSerializer.Serialize/Deserialize. ...

WCF custom serializer

I'm creating a web service in WCF that returns JSON, but the DataContractJsonSerializer is balking on some circular references (which I can't remove in this particular case). Instead, I'd like to use the Newtonsoft json library. What's the easiest way to create a custom serializer in WCF? Note: I know I could just return a stream, bu...

XmlTextWriter serialization problem

I'm trying to create a piece of xml. I've created the dataclasses with xsd.exe. The root class is MESSAGE. So after creating a MESSAGE and filling all its properties, I serialize it like this: serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Xsd.MESSAGE)); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); serializer.Serialize(sw, response); string xml = sw.T...

How to serialize?

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; class Program { static void Main() { // Get all files in Documents List<string> dirs = FileHelper.GetFilesRecursive("S:\\bob.smith\\"); foreach (string p in dirs) { Console.WriteLine(p); } // Write count ...

Problems with serializing a custom type in ASP.NET ViewState

I've got a little struct that I want to serialize in my ViewState. It looks something like this: [Serializable] private struct DayMoney { public readonly DateTime ValidFrom; public readonly string CurrencyCode; public readonly double Amount; } It serializes just fine, but when I perform a postback/callback, I get an except...

How to save c++ object into a xml file and restore back?

How to save c++ object into a xml file and restore back? ...

.NET: Is Public Declaration a Requirement for a Class to be Serializable?

Is public declaration a requirement for a class to be serializable? I've been going through some code where all classes marked as [Serializable] were also declared public. I could not find formal documentation stating this. ...

Deserializing only first x items of an array

Is is possible to only deserialize a limited number of items from a serialized array? Background: I have a stream that holds a serialized array of type T. The array can have millions of items but i want to create a preview of the content and only retrieve the, say, first one hundred items. My first idea was to create a wrapper around ...

Custom serialization using DataContractSerializer

I am having a look into using the DataContractSerializer and I'm having trouble getting the right output format. The DataContractSerializer serializes the following class [DataContract(Name = "response")] public class MyCollection<T> { [DataMember] public List<T> entry { get; set; } [DataMember] public int index { get; ...

Moving objects across AppDomains in .NET

Is there a way to efficiently share or move .NET objects across AppDomains? I realize that the intent of AppDomains is to provide isolation - however I have a case where I need to move a relatively large, cached set of immutable objects that are expensive to compute and create. At the moment, I have a serialization approach that works, b...

XML XNA Object Deserialization

I'm building a game in XNA 3 and I have the levels stored in XML format. What solution would you recommend for deserializing those XML files into level objects? it needs to be able to work on the Xbox. ...

Compare two structs' values in C#

I'm not looking for a comparison of two structs that returns bool, I am wondering if there is a way to get which fields of two structs (the same structure, but maybe different values) are different. Basically I want a simpler way to do the following: public class Diff { public String VarName; public objec...

How to determine a proper serial version ID?

How to determine a proper serial version ID? Should it be any big long value using some generators or any integer wld suffice ? ...