
Access Repository through Service or directly?

Hello, is it a good coding standard to allow ASP.NET MVC controller actions to access a repository directly (even though a service layer is present for the heavy lifting, e.g. LoginService.Authorize() ) to retrieve, add, or update data? Or should everything go through the service, and from there to the repository? ...

How much resposibility should my repository/service have?

Hey! I have the following objects: Person <- Contact -> ClientsPerson <- Client I'm using the repository pattern with a service layer. But already here, being a perfectionist, I'm lost! I also have a PersonService, ClientService and I'm pretty sure I need to have a ContactService which should call the personService.Add(person) and cl...

Reduce frequency of deployments in a Java web application using Spring-MVC

Is there a simple way to have your "Service Layer" deployed separately from your web layer, so that I can reduce the number of times per week that I have to, package, build and deploy the entire WAR file? I'm using Tomcat mostly, but I'm hoping for something more generic to Java web servers ...