
Enterprise Web Services / Date Exchange Suggestions

Hi Lords of the Interwebs, I've got a Silverlight project that I'm just beginning and I thought I would pick your brains a bit. I'm deciding on a data model to communicate from server to Silverlight client. My boss made the comment that he might want that data model to evolve into API's that could be used by various clients in the fut...

How do I dynamicaly create an SSRS Report?

Hi guys, Im trying to create a report in SSRS. The report calls a stored procedure for its data. I want to display the data in a table. But the thing is, the result from the stored procedure differs from time to time, because every customer has its own 'template'. This means the result for customer A could be : AccountNumber | Customer...

How can my service change values of variables and UI textfields of my activities?

Hi I have an application that get/send data from/to a remote DB on internet. I need to get my application working in background mode, then i supose that i have to put all the send/get remote data in a service..... but.... How can this service change values of variables and UI textfields of my activities? i can't find any information ...

About your post "Consume WCF Web Service using Objective C on iPhone"

Hello, I have readed your post about SoapMessage. I don't know if you can help me but i have a REST Service POST call that I must consming from my app on IPhone and using your code receive always same error : "The server encountered an error processing the request". If I use GET calling all is right but with POST data I receive this err...

WCF: The socket connection was aborted

CommunicationException was unhandled by user code The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '02:48:04.9840000'. I've been testing this application for months and hav...

stop SQL service in c#

I have installed 2 servers for Microsoft SQL 2008. The first one is MSSQLSERVER and second one is SQL2008. When I tried to stop the first one it stopped but the second one not the VS told me that this service not found ServiceController svc = new ServiceController("SQL2008", Process.GetCurrentProcess().MachineName); svc.Stop() So...

RIA Services and the generic Repository pattern

Hi, I'm working on a Silverlight project that uses RIA Services. My question is that I can use generic repository pattern with RIA Services on the client side? What is the best practice how I should organize the RIA Services method on the cilent side? l. ...

Logout Issues with WPF and Client Application Services

I have recently been prototyping an application using WPF and Client Application Services. I am trying to use all three features of the Client Application Services : Forms Authenticiation, Role Security, and Client Profile. I have managed to get everything working, but I feel like my solution is a kludge and want a better way. For the...

Changing account name and password on Windows Services remotely

I need to write a program / script to change the account name and password on certain services running on a remote server. I intend to do it with Powershell. Is that the best solution or is there something else that would be more suitable? A quick google search brought up this script: $account="domain\userName" $password="password" $s...

Modify the code to perform operation on remote servers

I wrote the following code to change the user account and password associated with a Windows Service. How can I modify this code to be able to perform the same operation on a remote system? static void Main(string[] args) { string serviceName = "DummyService"; string username = ".\\Service_Test2"; ...

SOA: Joining data across multiple services

Hello, Imagine we have 2 services: Product and Order. Based on my understanding of SOA, I know that each service can have its own data store (a separate database, or a group of tables in the same database). But no Service is allowed to touch the data store of another Service directly. Now, imagine we have stored the product and order...

Why isn't my application service launching inmediately after the phone is turned on?

After I successfully configured alarms to go of after I start or restart my phone (thanks for that answer Macarese), I must have made something wrong, because stored alarms are not fired after 2 or even 3 hours after the phone has been turned on. I tested alarms that supposed to be sending notifications every 5 minutes... Nothing happe...

Problem creating DataContract with SVCUTIL

I am trying to create a DataContract for a simple REST based webservice using a XSD file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema id="workcodes" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" attributeFormDefault="unquali...

ADO.NET Data Services and eager loading?

I'm using sharepoint 2010 listdata.svc service who uses ADO.NET Data Services. I'm wondering if it's possible to do eager loading with this service without writing own DTO objects. Thanx in advance ...

How to exchange data between Android services

I would like to know what is the best and fastest way to exchange data between services. I have been trying to bind one service to another using ServiceConnection but the actual connection never happened. Also I did not saw anything strange in LogCat. Thanks in advance for all your replies. ...

Beginning Java Web services. Where to start

Hi guys, my company runs a site that primarily has its backend logic coded in Perl. It works fine but ultimately we are headed to something Java driven. I do plan on studying this and would like to start setting up a Java environment on another server in our company so when the time comes I at least have a headstart. Does anyone have a r...

Hosting non RIA Service from RIA Service website

We're using Silverlight 4 and Ria Services, but we also need to expose a regular WCF service to the client, ideally from the same Ria services website. I suspect this is because of DomainServiceHttpModule or due to the fact that the service is expecting binary coming back from the client instead of a SOAP message. Has anyone had any su...

Detection for of Running Services on Remote Computer using Java

Hi to All, Is there a way to detect running services on a client machine using Java? I need to detect a specific running application and it's status (enabled or disabled) and execute something on my application once the running service is detected and enabled. A little research on my part has come to extent that I have 2 options: 1) ...

Web Service different between Application and SilverLight Application

Hi All I try to use this webService in web application i can access all information using following code: var wsEOD = new; var response = wsEOD.Login("khem", "Nepal"); [Example] if (response != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Token)) ...