
MySQL: @variable vs. variable. Whats the difference? (Part2)

Ok, building off of the last question I asked, How does Mysql handle the where statment in the following code: DELIMITER ;// DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test`;// CREATE PROCEDURE `test` ( id INT ) BEGIN SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id = id; END;// What does MySQL do in this case? Does it treat the where clause as some_tabl...

How to solve concurrency problems in ASP.NET Windows-Workflow and ActiveRecord/NHibernate?

I have found that ActiveRecord uses the Session-Scope object within the ASP.NET application and that if the web-site is read-write we can have a tug-o-war between the Workflow's own Data-Access SessionScope and that of the ASP.NET site. I would really like to have the WindowsWorkflow Runtime use the same object session as the web-site h...

Can I access Spring session-scoped beans from application-scoped beans? How?

I'm trying to make this 2-player web game application using Spring MVC. I have session-scoped beans Player and application-scoped bean GameList, which creates and stores Game instances and passes them to Players. On player creates a game and gets its ID from GameList and other player sends ID to GameList and gets Game instance. The Game ...