
Session killed but page is coming

Hi there, I m using session in my project and i wrote Session.Clear(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); under the logout button. And i m cheking Session["user"] in all pages's page load event. if it is null i am sending user to Login.aspx. But pages are coming without go to page load event when i write a page to url however i click...

PHP session_start() fails to create session.

These are my first 5 lines in my index.php: <?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'])) $_SESSION['cart']=''; $page = $_GET['page']; ?> and so on.. I'm looking at the sessions trough the firefox->firebug->firecookie plugin and a session is not created.(I am sure of it because the cart that worked yesterday doesnt work toda...

PHP - why can't I get rid of this session id cookie?

I'm trying to troubleshoot a logout function for a web app. When you're logged in, the app has several cookies set for its domain. Here's the current logout procedure: You click a link, which sends you to a logout page The logout page runs a function that calls session_destroy() and also loops through all the cookies for the domain and...

Webmatrix, Razor, and Sessions

Hi all, I'm getting some funky behavior with session variables with Razor .cshtml pages. Essentially on some pages I check to see if a Session variable is set, and if not I set it. I keep getting a null object reference. I believe this is because ultimately Razor is designed for MVC, and I did a little reading about the MVC life cyc...

How to capture session information from PHP in ASP?

Hi, I'm working in a website that is going to work like a landing point, providing a specialized service for many other websites. Users log-in to different sites and those sites have links to my website. Now, I want to create my website using asp .net, and also I want to be able to use SSO (Single Sign-On) so the users doesn't have to ...

Can I truncate sessions and watchdog table in Drupal?

I have 16 million rows in these 2 tables in Drupal.My sites are slow and these 2 tables top the slow query log. Can I safely truncate them? Also, issuing a truncate command, hangs the system. Is there a way I can delete rows in batches? ...

How to clear a session variable in rails (basically whats the best way)?

session[:message]=nil Is this is the best way to destroy a session variable. Note: *I dont want to clear all the session variables like reset_session do.* ...

Session in classic ASP

Hi! I'w working on a project in classic ASP and I want to add, for example, some users for a temporary list and when I submit the form, this data will be save to DB. I know how to work with this in, but not in classic asp. Is it possible to create lists of users, for example, and manage this in a session? thanks! ...

Why does this SQLAlchemy example commit changes to the DB?

This example illustrates a mystery I encountered in an application I am building. The application needs to support an option allowing the user to exercise the code without actually committing changes to the DB. However, when I added this option, I discovered that changes were persisted to the DB even when I did not call the commit() meth...

Prevent user from accessing admin page [php]

I have a php login page with session control. It routes a normal user to info.php and an admin user to info_admin.php. If I login with a "normal" user it goes to info.php, however, in the address bar, I can go to info_admin.php and it doesn't kick me out, gives me access. How can I control this or prevent the user from doing this manuall...

Session_end event raised even open a different browser? vs2010,webform

void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpRuntime.Cache.Remove(this.Session.SessionID); } when enter into debug mode(a break point has set on the above code line), VS brings up an IE page, copy the url&paste to another browser of different type and hit enter, the break point is hit several times,why? ...

Session replication, how does a container suppose to work?

I would be interested in some timing details. FOr example I place in session some container, whcih can keep different data. I do change of content of the container frequently. How can I assure that the container session value get replicates across nodes for any change? ...

Rails 3: Disable session cookies

I created a controller to serve dynamic stylesheets, so I can use the image_tag helper and add some cache control. The problem is that every time the css file is loaded at the browser, I can see 'Cookie xxx changed" message in firebug. I would like to disable or bypass session cookies for this controller. I read somewhere that using ...

check auth session in controller

Hi there, I have used Auth component in my cakephp site. I want to check whether auth session is there or not from controller. Please help. ...

[PHP]How do I count users online and users logged in, what method?

I've made a log in script for my site, the session stuff basically look like this. if($_SESSION['loggedin']=="Yes"){ //user online stuff } For all other users the session is set $_SESSION['loggedin']=="No"; How can i display active session that are set to yes or no? should i work anything with mysql tables and use crontabs? or sh...

PHP sessions; How should I solve this big security problem?

I am fairly new to sessions. I have a classifieds website, and users may chose to "EDIT" their classifieds. All they have to enter is a password which they chose when creating the classified. In the "edit.php" page, if the password is correct, the classified details show up. There is a picture upload tool, which reloads the page but u...

php session management

Hello All, I am developing a system in php which has different types of users like admin, A, B, C. I need to allow log in just one user from the type at a time. Means 1) if there is already an admin user is logged in, no other admin user can log in. 2) And the logged in credentials cannot be used on other pc at the same time (just li...

Windows Azure & ASP.NET session

I have ASP.NET web application which stores information on the session while user goes through pages. Will I have any problems if I deploy such application to Windows Azure? ...

Django 1.2 session loss

Hey, I have problem with django 1.2 and psycopg2 backend. When django raises http500 error session is dropped too. Also my client's apache server is dropping sessions on every request after one week without restart. It only happen with django 1.2 (django 1.1 works). Django 1.2 works too with sqlite backend (didn't test mysql). So I susp...

Is storing a session id in a cookie a better practice than a get var?

The title pretty much says it all. A cookie seems to have a few advantages to me; however, I'll wait to see what others say. Also - assuming a cookie is better, what can be done to make passing the session by GET variable better? Specifically I'm thinking about PHP; however, this should apply generally. ...