
How do I make Ajax calls at intervals without overlap?

I'm looking to setup a web page that samples data via AJAX calls from an embedded web-server. How would I set up the code so that one request doesn't overlap another? I should mention I have very little JavaScript experience and also a compelling reason not to use external libraries of any size bigger than maybe 10 or so kilobytes. ...

setInterval and long running functions

How does setInterval handle callback functions that take longer than the desired interval? I've read that the callback may receive the number of milliseconds late as its first argument, but I was unable to find why it would be late (jitter, or long running functions). And the wonderful follow up, does it behave differently for the comm...

Javascript/Jquery Refresh timer

I have a simple system that refreshes a div every few seconds: $(document).ready(function() { $("#nownext").load("response.php"); var refreshId = setInterval(function() { $("#nownext").load('response.php?randval='+ Math.random()); }, 20000); }); Now, because of what the content is, it is more likel...

jquery setInverval not working

HTML: <div id="coin1"></div> JS: $(document).ready(function(){ function changeImage(){ if($("#coin1").css("display") == "none"){ $("#coin1").fadeIn("slow"); }else{ $("#coin1").fadeOut("slow"); } }; setInterval ( "changeImage()", 2000 ); }); I can't get this to work... If I just do changeImage(); it works fi...

Weird random value as default interval handler parameter

Hi, Just came across this. It's not affecting anything really but i'm wondering why it's happening. If I run the following code in firefox with firebug on: setInterval(function(param) { console.log("param is %o",param) },500); param seems to be assigned a vaguely random value: param is -2 param is -1 p...

setInterval and window.onload problem

Hi all, I have this code window.onload = function() { function foo() { alert("test"); } setInterval("foo()",500) } Which returns undefined...When i use it outside the window.onload it works. Can anyone explain me why? ...

Can you set an Interval on button clicks?

$('.button').click(); The above code works great to click all buttons on the page at once, but I am trying to fire off clicks every half or second or so until the jQuery Object has looped i.e. $(function(){ $('.button').each(function(){ setInterval('$(this).click()', 500); }); }); Can some one tell me how I can d...

jQuery resume setInterval timer on keystroke

I have a jQuery setInterval function named "timerIncrement" that times out (stops incrementing the variable [licount]) after x-seconds. to resume this interval I have a .mousemove function which looks like this: $(this).mousemove(function(){ licount = 0; timerIncrement(); }); what I'm looking for is a way to do this exact thing (res...

JavaScript Mac Firefox setInterval() Wierdness

I first encountered a problem with safari, where set interval would behave unpredicatbly when the function name was not enclosed within quotations (and optionally it seams with added parentheses): repeatInterval = setInterval("foo()", 50); Upon changing my code to read in this way, it seams it does not get executed at all in the Mac v...

JavaScript setInterval loop not holding variable

Here is my code: var showNo = 1; window.setInterval(function() { console.log(showNo); if(showNo === 1) { var nextNo = 2; } else if(showNo === 2) { var nextNo = 3; } else if(showNo === 3) { var nextNo = 4; } else if(showNo === 4) { var nextNo = 5; } else if(show...

setInterval alternative

Hi folks, In my app I am polling the webserver for messages every second and displaying them in the frontend. I use setInterval to achieve this. However as long as the user stays on that page the client keeps polling the server with requests even if there is no data. The server does give an indication when no more messages are being gene...

JavaScript setTimeout setInterval within one function

I think I might be overtired but I cannot for the life of me make sense of this, and I think it's due to a lack of knowledge of javascript var itv=function(){ return setInterval(function(){ sys.puts('interval'); }, 1000); } var tout=function(itv){ return setTimeout(function(){ sys.puts('timeout'); clearInterval(itv); }, 5500);...

Variable not evaluating in JavaScript?

Can anyone tell me how do this? They are already integers, so I'm not sure what to try... var lrgSlideShow = { activeClass: 'active', wrapperClass: 'slideshow-widget-large', pauseLength: 2000, fadeLength: 1000 } setInterval(changeImg,lrgSlideShow.pauseLength+lrgSlideShow.fadeLength); ...

Fade in an HTML element with raw javascript over 500 miliseconds.

Hello everybody, Once again I find myself stuck by something that I just don't understand. Any help would be appreciated. I'm working on a modal window, you click something and the background is masked and a modal window shows some content. I have a div with "display:none" and "opacity:0", and when the user triggers the modal, this div w...

Fade HTML element with raw javascript

It's my second question of the day related to the same problem, so I apologize for that. I was able to put together a function to "fade out" an element, and it works just fine, my problem is that when I try to reverse it, so the element "fades in" it does not work. I've tried to change the obvious, but I can't understand what I'm doing ...

how to setinterval in python, i know the setinterval function in javascript, does python have ?

has a method in python likw setinterval function in javascript ? thanks ...

set/clear interval issue

HI, i am using the following code to show a link which is inside the li element. the constrain is, once the mouse enter into li element, and if it's stay inside 3sec, then it need to show. once i leave from li element, immateriality it should hide. for this, i am using : var showTimeOut; var thisElement $('.user-list li').live('mouseo...

Thoughts on a Shoutbox anyone?

I'm wanting to create a shoutbox, though I'm wondering if there is another way to go about this rather than using setInterval to query the database for new shouts every number of seconds. Honestly, I don't like having to go about it this way. Seems a bit redundant and repetitive and just plain old wrong. Not to mention the blinking of...

Javascript setInterval and `this` solution

I need to access this from my setInterval handler prefs: null, startup : function() { // init prefs ... this.retrieve_rate(); this.intervalID = setInterval(this.retrieve_rate, this.INTERVAL); }, retrieve_rate : function() { var ajax = null; ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); ...

Javascript timers

I'm starting on a javascript MMORPG that will actually work smoothly. Currently, I created a demo to prove that I can move characters around and have them chat with each other, as well as see eachother move around live. Now Javascript timers are something I have not used extensively, but from what I know, corr...