
OSX Security Framework NameAndPassword sample application

I am investigating security plugins using SFAuthorizationPluginView under Mac OSX and as a first step looking at the NameAndPassword sample application. The app builds OK but I cannot get it to authenticate. So does anyone have any experience of SFAuthorizationPluginView or any other examples. ...

Can I override loginwindow on Tiger?

My software authorizes the user prior to booting Mac OS X (Tiger and Leopard.) I want to use SFAuthorizationPluginView to create a plugin to attempt to use our pre-boot authorization (cached securely) for user login to Mac OS X for single-sign-on capability. I have not yet validated if that will even work for Leopard, but am assuming I...

Is it possible to replace the Mac login screen?

Is it possible to replace the Mac OS X login window, /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app, with a custom login window application? (See my rational for doing so.) I'm afraid my Cocoa programming skills are rudimentary. I do find it interesting that, when I run probe CGSession (which is a undocumented utility that performs fast...

SFAuthorizationPluginView identifying "BACK" button

Hi, Does anyone who has experience with SFAuthorizationPluginView know how to identify between the user pressing "Cancel" and "Back". My problem is that SFButtonTypeCancel is identical to SFButtonTypeBack, hence a switch statement will fail at compile time, and an if statement will not recognize the difference. This is not a problem ...

Can I present My Loginwidow before MAC Login Window

Hi All, I am trying to put my own customised login window before the standard MAC OS X Login window. Acutally , I need to have a stacking / chaining of window, so that original MAC Login window presented after my customised login window. I have already tried prelogin agent, but that do not fullfill my requirement , because i want my wi...